Chapter 5

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As per usual, you stood waiting for the school bus to arrive, knowing that in no time Chanyeol would show up too. Memories flooded the back of your mind and your whole body was heating with embarrassment. You brushed it off, hoping Chanyeol would be late for the bus.

"Good morning!" he sang from behind you.

His voice became something you were accustomed to hearing every morning that it no longer startles you. You waved in response and stood in total silence. You couldn't tell whether it was awkward or not, but you were enjoying the current silence that was louder than thousands of spoken words.

You dug your hands deeper in your pockets, for a moment you thought it would leave a hole or something. Shifting from leg to leg, you tried to keep yourself warm, but without catching Chanyeol's attention.

He was too immersed in the music playing in his ears, he wasn't even bothered by his fogged up, dark rimmed eyeglasses. His lips moved in an odd way as they kept opening and closing. "I'm sorry....about yesterday. I was an asshole to you."

You weren't so sure why you stepped one or two steps backwards, but you couldn't ignore the tickle in your stomach, you had to place a hand over it to put an end to whatever that was. "It's okay," you simply said, but you for sure weren't going to shut up. "But yes, you were an asshole, and for what? I was just trying to have a normal day and sit at my usual seat, but no. You had to make a scene and act in a really bizarre way."

"Yeah, that's why I'm apologizing...I'm sorry again. I was....having a hard time, but I should't have let it out on you."

He meekly looked your way with a slight smile, literally trying to say 'I hope you would understand.' It hasn't been that long since you met him, but you knew beyond doubt that he wasn't the type to easily open up. So the fact that he went out of his way and shared how he was feeling back then, you didn't have any plans on rejecting his apology.

Actually, you started respecting him.

He might've seemed like an asshole the first time you met him, but his sudden change in behaviour made you earn him some respect.

"You don't have to explain yourself if you don't feel comfortable doing so. But thanks, though."

"Does that mean we're cool now?" his eyes shimmered with tiny sparkles.


You walked the school's green grounds with Chanyeol by your side. Your legs automatically stopped walking on spotting your chaotic group of friends, but on shifting your gaze swiftly among them all, you weren't able to catch sight of your best friend.

"Where's Sun-mi?" you asked before even having the chance to greet them like you always do.

They all looked at Baekhyun's direction, hoping he would be the one to explain the reason for her absence. "She's a bit sick. I'll visit her after school, would you like to join?"


"It's settled then!"

"Wait," Chanyeol suddenly said, louder than intended. "Don't we have to clean the bathrooms after school today?"

You wholeheartedly punched yourself at the sudden, unwelcomed memory. "I totally forgot about that!"

"What did you both do?" Xiumin asked with a playful smile on his lips.

"Overslept." "Slept in class."

You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying not to outburst.



Hello! Another edited chapter. I had a plan to edit 3 chapters and publish them, but I couldn't since I had to study (and I was binge-watching aot :( forgive me)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading, and hopefully I would update soon!

(wait for ✨chapter 6✨)

Park Chanyeol | Chanyeol & Reader [On Hold] Where stories live. Discover now