Chapter 13

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In less than a year school would be over. No more sleepless nights trying to spend all what's left of your energy into pulling an all-nighter, no more tutoring, no more hours of sitting on the uncomfortable chairs during never-ending classes. In less than a year you'll be enrolling in a college, and in a blink of an eye you'd probably be applying for a job. 

Adulthood is what you feared. And from the late-night conversations you had with Chanyeol, it appears that it also scared him. 'The unexpected future' is what he called it. 

"But even now everything seems to be quite unexpected, don't you think?" You had told him one night.

"I know, but at least I wake up everyday knowing how's the day going to start and how's it going to end." Your words didn't bring him comfort, you'd noticed from his ceaseless foot tapping and his now messy hair.

You placed a hand over his shaking leg, expecting him to regain his composure a bit. "There's nothing we can do except let the future unfold itself. And you'll have to be smart enough to face the unexpected, which I believe won't be hard for you."

On hearing those word, he had to swallow back a lot of words. There was no use saying them anyway.

You didn't know what to do back then. Chanyeol had always been cautious when it came to revealing what really was on his mind, so you didn't dare question him or say anything anymore. All you did was hold him close, and that was what he really needed. 

Someone to stay close to him. Especially when he was shaking this much and his eyes itched.


It was your turn now to show up at Chanyeol's place with snacks. It was one of those nights after school was over and no more assignments to work on. After emptying the bags of snacks in bowls and placing one of them on your lap and the other on Chanyeol's, your game preparations were over and all was left is for the game to load. 

You took a seat at your usual spot, on the floor with your back resting against the couch. And for Chanyeol, he was occupying the couch by laying on it with the controller in his hands. 

"Please don't get me killed like last time," you said once the loading screen was no more.

"Your characters are too weak, don't blame me." He ruffled your hair before clicking on several buttons at once, attempting a strong attack.

He might be trying to get his mind off of whatever he was thinking about, but his weak efforts weren't helping him. Especially when he realized you'd noticed his guitar in a corner and a few music sheets scattered on the floor. 

"You never told me you play the guitar," you mentioned with confusion obvious in your tone.

He didn't seem to find any credible excuses to say, and for that reason, the only thing he was able to do was sigh in defeat before explaining. "No one knows but Baekhyun. He's the one who helped me learn how to play it."

You faced him, your curiosity piqued. "Baekhyun? I remember you told me once before that your brother can play too. Why didn't he teach you?"

His eyes moved, looking anywhere but at yours. Maybe if he lied right now that he wasn't looking at you he'd be able to make it sound convincing. But he didn't know what troubled him more, the fact that he wanted to lie to you or that he wanted to hide more from you. "Because I'm not close to him." He thought his response was enough to answer your question, but that's what he wanted to believe.

He wanted to explain more despite the inner conflict that was piercing through his inside, but he didn't. All the words were stuck in his throat, as if that's how they were always supposed to be, suppressed and unspoken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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