Chapter 6

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Walking in the bathroom with a mop in hand and a bucket full of water in the other, you almost cried at how the place looked.

It was nothing but a great, sickening mess.

You couldn't believe that you actually forgot about the punishment. You even planned how your whole day would be like.

One of the things you really wanted to do after school, that it was on your top priority list, was visiting Sun-mi. If she wasn't able to make it to school then she was probably too sick, and that worried you beyond imagination.

As you were too lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the strange hissing from the corridor outside. Ignoring it, you went back to mopping the floor and to letting your thoughts wander in your mind.

One thought couldn't escape your mind, which is why Chanyeol was so capricious.

One moment his calm and relaxed, and the other he's just too irritated that he doesn't accept even the breath of his friends, who he definitely considers family.

You didn't really have the guts to ask him. And since you both weren't that close, you weren't encouraged to ask him.

But the fact that he opened up to you before, maybe that meant he thinks that you two are friends now. And that's why you thought about asking him without hesitation. You both are on good terms now, so it wouldn't hurt asking.

The peculiar hissing was back again, too intense to ignore it anymore.

You leaned the mop against the wall and peeked through the opened bathroom door. Warily, you hoped it was nothing but strong winds coming from an opened window. For some odd reason, you weren't able to spot Chanyeol or even hear a single sound from him.

Holding your breath and onto your heart, you tried calling him but nothing came out of your lips but a scream when he suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"What was that for?!"

He chuckled softly. "I called you twice and you didn't notice. Seems like you were too lost in your thoughts." He narrowed his eyes with suspicion. "Were you thinking about me?"

"Pfft, you wish," you laughed it off and turned the other way to finish your work.

You totally forgot about the soap you left on the already slippery floor, you slipped and almost fell on your back if it wasn't for Chanyeol's swift reflexes. "Idiot," he muttered.

"Okay?? Thanks, I guess?" You pushed away his hands that were tightly holding onto you.

"You're mad at me?" he asked with confusion written all over his face.

You shrugged, knowing full well that what you are about to utter would lead to nothing but another embarrassment. "You called me an idiot..." you spoke in a thin, subtle tone.

"How about we eat something afterwards as an apology?" he paused with ambition in his eyes. "And it's my treat for sure."


Walking the chilly streets with  Chanyeol marching serenely on your side made you question a lot of things actually.

Just a few moments ago while you were both still cleaning the bathrooms, he helped you.

He literally did your part of the punishment even when he was done with his.

The prolonged sigh you let out of your mouth caused Chanyeol to stop. "You might think that I'm a creep, but you sighed six times in under a minute," he looked at you with an exasperated expression carved on his face.

"I'm just trying to organize my thoughts!"

"What thoughts?!" he stomped his feet hard, you thought he might've sprained his ankle.

"Well–" you turned, fully facing him– "I was thinking...about your major mood swings."

He tilted his head to the side and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So I wasn't wrong when I said you were thinking about me." He pinched the bridge of his nose, readying himself to speak, "it all depends on the situation."

His short answer wasn't enough to answer the bundle of questions pounding in your head. He started walking away completely ignoring your existence, you had to jog to keep up with his pace.


Chanyeol couldn't understand why he was suddenly having this urge to open up to you. Even if he wanted to, he wasn't able to deny the fact that he felt comfortable around you.

He wasn't aware that he considered you one of his close friends.

Watching you eat to your heart's content and patting your stomach afterwards was something he could get used to from this moment on.

"I live alone..." he blurted all of a sudden.

Dropping the spoon from your hand, you looked at him with perplexity. You supported your head by resting it on the palm of your hand and waited for him to say something.

He seemed to not get what your intention was, he rubbed his chin and tipped his head to the side. "What?"

"Why are you suddenly telling me this?"

He himself wasn't sure why he said that. It wasn't intentional. It was the late answer to a question you had asked the first time you went to tutor him.

His lips dried as he couldn't voice his answer. He tried running his tongue over his lips, but it was of no use.

"I think we should get going before it gets dark outside," he stood not giving you a chance to talk.

"I'll walk you home."



Hello! I guess it's been a week since I published a chapter. (sorry🥺)

I think I have a writer's block and that's the reason why I can't really write. Therefore, I won't be able to publish as fast as I used to in the beginning.

I'm trying to deal with it tho.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter and thanks for your patience! I'll try to edit the following chapters faster than that.

(wait for ✨chapter 7✨)

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