Chapter 9

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Everything was too dark around you. The chaotic atmosphere had calmed down and it took you a minute or two to realize you'd fallen asleep. Your hands wandered around, touching the soft mattress of a bed only to land on the cold glass of the nightstand.

Slowly, you raised your head and fluttered your eyes opened. Your vision had black and crimson spots that it took you a long while to actually take in your surroundings.

The dark unfamiliar bedroom you found yourself in was too wide, dominated with black and rich green colors.

Your brain slowly processed that you might be in Chanyeol's room for some unexplainable reason. You jolted out of bed at the sudden comprehension.

You couldn't summon up the reason how you ended up here. But for the first time in your entire life, you woke up from an undisturbed sleep without a single bone aching. And for that you were thankful, but you still couldn't process what was happening.

Not to mention, you don't really know the way to the living room were you where formerly at with the others.

After you made up your mind to leave this luxurious room, you opened the door and began roaming around the foreign place.

The carpet beneath your feet was too soft, it tickled. But as you reached the end of the tender fabric, you recognized the study room where you helped Chanyeol study.

Without thinking of knocking, you twisted the doorknob and entered only realizing what you've done a long while later.

Chanyeol, even with his back facing you, you were able to recognize him. His slouched form and hand ruffling his curled, brown hair was a familiar sight to you now.

You cleared your throat to announce your presence. "What are you doing? Are you studying?" You approached him and peeked over his shoulder to take a good look at what he was doing.

"Oh, you finally woke up!" his voice cracked as he managed to utter the words.

"Where are the others?" You inquired after hopping on the only clear spot on the desk in front of the drowsy guy.

"They're all passed out downstairs."

"Wait, how long did I sleep?"

"Two hours."

"And you didn't wake me up?!" you slamed your palm against your face when another question popped up in your head. "When did I sleep, though?"

He sighed followed by an eye roll. "Are you always that clueless?"

"Can't you answer a simple question like a normal person for once?" You meant to mutter those words, but you ended up saying them louder than you'd intended.

"I heard you!"

"So just answer the question!"

"You slept during that boring, long-ass movie Sehun picked. We all slept ten minutes through it." He pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose, readying himself to continue studying.

"Don't you want to sleep?"

"I need to finish, I have a lot of things to be done and there's no time," he ran his hand over his hair, making it look messier than it was.

The baffled look in his eyes and the nervous taps of his feet against the ground gave you the feeling that you might be disturbing him.

"I'll get going, then." you declared and was about to leave when his fast-moving hand grabbed yours.

His eyes properly met yours for the first time since you walked into the study room. They were glistening with plead, you could tell.

"Can't you stay over?"


As time kept passing, the distance between Chanyeol's face and the book almost vanished. Throughout the whole two hours that elapsed you don't remember moving an inch. You'd been rooted in the very same static position and you didn't have any plans on staying the same for any longer.

"How about you take a break?" You summoned all of your last bits of energy to pull off a sweet smile that somehow turned bitter.

"Yes, I think I need it."

He stood with a hand on his hip, his eyes not leaving yours. "Would you like to go out after we're done with our exams?"

"Why not? But what about the others? I don't remember when was the last time I hung out with Sun-mi."

His eyes that were full of delight dulled. "We can go out with her and Baekhyun," he suggested.

"Won't we be third wheeling?"

Tears almost formed in the brim of his eyes. "I'll be fourth wheeling. Don't worry, you won't be alone."



Hello! I am back~ I don't remember when was the last time I published a chapter. Things haven't been working out well for me.

Hopefully, I'll be writing more now! Thank you for your patience! <3

Also, if you are a new writer on the app and you would like a shoutout, you could dm on the app and I would tag you/your story in my upcoming chapter.

Stay safe, beautiful readers!

(wait for ✨chapter 10✨)

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