Chapter 7

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Silently, and of course cautiously, Chanyeol walked behind you. It felt like you were the one walking him home not the other way around.

You slowed down your pace to match his, but it was like he could read your mind, he walked even slower. Now you could tell that there was intense tension that was suffocating.

He couldn't bear it either, but he couldn't do anything about it. And for sure if you uttered a word it wouldn't make it any better. You would add awkwardness and embarrassment to the tension.

Every single time Chanyeol opened up, the same thing would happen. He would remain silent and march slowly behind you.

Analyzing his personality might've become a habit of yours now. But it was slowly draining your energy. He was a big puzzle with too many missing pieces.

Looking for those pieces will definitely drive you insane.

Two words were almost too close to be carved on your face: confusion and exhaustion from the immense amount of confusion.

Reluctantly, his hand made contact with your shoulder and, for the second time in the same day, it scared you to death.

He would always react without any warnings.

"You're brain cells are going to blow up," he stopped to take a good look at you. "You're always having that thinking face," he explained while pointing at his face, trying to imitate yours.

He was definitely trying to ease the tension and make conversation. The stifling air was pressing hard on to his lungs, he couldn't bear it anymore.

You turned around, fully facing him. "Isn't that a part of human nature?" Your eyebrows jumped far up your forehead. Walking forward, you neglected his presence and went back to your thoughts.


Standing in front of your apartment's door with Chanyeol beside you caused your stomach to gurgle loudly. You squeezed the flesh of your stomach hard, expecting it to quieten down but it was of no avail.

In spite of Chanyeol's hard efforts to not laugh, his lips failed him and a soft snicker escaped his mouth. And as he supposed, you blamed it on the food.

"Good night!" You inserted the key to your apartment in the keyhole, hoping to put an end to this never-ending day, but the door didn't budge.

Chanyeol, regaining his puckish behavior, leaned against the wall with a conceited smile. "I still have a lot to say. I don't want to put an end to today yet."

His smile might've faltered, but not his posture. The glint in his eyes was no longer to be spotted, and that could've been a reason of concern.

"I know I could be a cold, rude, cranky ass to every living person, and I may not have full control over my behaviour, but I am trying to do something about it-" he heaved a heavy sigh out of his nose before looking straight into your eyes, "-I might be asking for much, but will you please not give up on me?"

You let go of the key in your hand, feeling the pressure of the serious moment you were in. You weren't sure what he was talking about.

The puzzle pieces were getting out of hand now.

He was being tolerant throughout the whole day. He had his heart in the right place for the first time in a while.

"What are you talking about, Chanyeol?"

He hesitantly moved forward, leaving about an inch between you both. His hands, that were once dug deep inside his pockets, moved to brush a hair strand away from your face before resting them on your shoulders.

"Good night," he said with a tired smile, tugging you close to his chest, then he departed with no more words said.



Hello, hello! Happy Valentine's Day~!
Hope you guys are safe and healthy!

Sorry for taking too long to update :(

Anyways, have a good day/evening! Love you!

(wait for ✨chapter 8✨)

Park Chanyeol | Chanyeol & Reader [On Hold] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें