Chapter 3

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You sucked in a deep breath to prevent yourself from screaming or panicking. You didn't know the reason why every single one was staring at you. It was like they all onew you were fighting a battle within yourself.

You let the breath out when you couldn't keep it in anymore. "Fine, I'll tutor him."

Sun-mi was holding her breath, too. She knew it wouldn't end up well. You saw her throwing an apologetic look your way.

"We'll start today after school. I'll meet you in front of the gate," you finally said, meeting Chanyeol's eyes.

He nodded obediently, but hesitated to utter words of gratitude. He probably felt exposed.


You were rummaging through your bag, looking for anything that's edible, but it was of no use. There wasn't even anything to do or anyone around to keep you company.

Sun-mi left with Baekhyun a while ago, same thing with Chen and his girlfriend. Even the other guys left.

You were all on your own.

Checking the time on your phone's dimly-lit screen, you realized Chanyeol was late. You already expected him to not show up on time.

You made a mental note to bring something with you the next time to keep you busy while waiting for him.

"Hey! must've waited for...too long," he managed to say in between his deep breaths.

You didn't know what really caught you off guard; that he was running to meet you on time or that he has just apologized.

Being your awkward self, you did some weird gestures. "It's...okay?"

"Let's go?" He asked, but he didn't wait for you to answer. He was already walking ahead of you.


Chanyeol lead the way to his place. You didn't expect it to look that fancy and neat. It wasn't gigantic, but it was big enough to fit your house inside of it with a backyard.

Brown dominated the rooms; the walls, the carpets covering the hardly-stained floor, everything. You cautiously walked, fearing you would leave footprints behind.

You weren't sure whether or not you were supposed to take of your shoes, and you were definitely too anxious to ask. But on listening to that small voice that was ringing inside of your head, you made up your mind to take off your shoes and try, even if you weren't much of a talking person, to converse with Chanyeol.

" alone?"


He paused in his tracks. He tried to look unfazed, but something in his demeanor showed quite the opposite. Maybe when he softly jolted after hearing your question.

You didn't know the impact of a small question could get a person to react like this.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to– I mean the house is too quiet."


He turned around, completely facing you. His ears were red. His face was red. His eyes were wider than usual, you thought his eyeballs would pop out of their sockets.

Two ideas popped in your mind; either to turn around and run, or to shut the hell up. The two choices were alluring, but you opted for the second.

He seemed to notice your messed up thoughts, because all he did was that he pinched the bridge of his nose and sucked in a deep breath.

"Yes, I live alone. I have a dog, though. So I'm not completely alone," he said, clearly trying to hide his angry tone.

Both of you were forced in this situation.

Chanyeol needed the tutoring, and you being unassertive, you couldn't refuse even if you really wanted to.

All you were able to do was nod quietly and follow him to wherever he was going. Once you saw him taking a seat at the dining table and getting the books and the equipment he needed ready, you sat on the seat close to him.

You calmed yourself down before asking him about the part he needed to be explained.


The next morning, you barely made it to school on time. The night before was hectic. Explaining to Chanyeol wasn't as bad as you thought, to your surprise it was a smooth process.

He seemed to down the explanation well.

But to your dismay, you had a good bunch of assignments you had to work on, and because of that you slept later than usual. And to make it all worse, you couldn't feel the alarm ringing the following morning as you were sleep-deprived.

As you opened the door of the class, your teacher had a look of disappointment in her eyes. But you knew that she wouldn't let you escape detention just because you were clever.

"I never expected this from you. You have detention after school."



Hello! Sorry for the short update🥺
I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter, though!

Don't forget to stay hydrated and to eat well! Stay safe, everyone!

(wait for ✨chapter 3✨)

Park Chanyeol | Chanyeol & Reader [On Hold] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن