Chapter 12

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The seat of the sofa sunk under Chanyeol's weight. He crossed his legs, finding comfort in the position he sat in with you on his side, a controller in your hand. Both your eyes narrowed, giving the game displayed on the screen in front of you your full attention with the tip of your tongue resting on your lower lip.

He saw a side of he never saw during the times you both spent to study. You, leaning forward, clutching onto the controller as if letting go of it would mean the end of your life.

"I've never seen you that focused before," he spoke after releasing a soft chuckle.

All you did was spare him a glance with the corner of your eyes before resting your attention back on the screen. You were too captivated by the game's graphics and soundtracks to say anything back to him. You don't even know the reason why he visited you in the first place.

Chanyeol had been hanging around at your place more than you can tell lately. You weren't even surprised when your parents started keeping him company whenever he visited, and you didn't seem to bother with how you looked or acted in front of him anymore. He didn't seem to disapprove of this side of you anyway.

He was sitting beside you, doing nothing but watch you move your fingers swiftly, clicking on buttons he didn't know what they were supposed to be doing. "Can we do something which doesn't involve me watching you play?" He asked with hope you'd listen to him after pleading for the third time now.

"Something like what exactly?"

"Maybe we can talk like friends normally do." You saw him faking a smile, probably trying to get your attention by any mean.

You snorted against your will and before you could stop yourself, you said, "friends, huh?"

Silence followed. You mentally praised yourself for rendering Chanyeol speechless for the second time in less than two days. But if you were being honest with yourself, you had to admit you felt bad. He was only trying to squash the boredom he felt.

"What do you want to do?" You asked, quitting the game on the wide screen and properly sat facing him.

"Talk to me!" He held onto your arms and shook you from side to side, as if that would get you to talk to him.

You threw your head backwards a bit aggressively in defeat and pushed his hands away from your figure. As much as the cross-legged guy on your side was bold with his actions and never thought twice before blurting a clever retort, it caught him off guard when you scooted closer to him. His body radiated with heat from your sudden movement.

It was getting harder for you now to suppress the chuckle daring to slip off your lips.

"What do you do when your alone?" You asked, curiosity peaked.

The corner of his lip slightly quirked upwards. "What do want to know exactly?" He winked.

"A genuine question, when are you going home?" You asked after a long pause.

The fake impression of pain plastered on his face and reflected in his demeanor wasn't enough for you to buy but you let it slide anyway. He drummed his long fingers on his chin, thinking of an answer to your initial question. He was most likely pretending to think just to pique your interest, but you weren't fazed by his act.

"I bake," he said with what seemed like pride.

"Yes, I know that already."

"What do you do, then?" He asked, expecting a dry answer.

"Gardening." The look on Chanyeol's face was beyond satisfying to you, wide eyes and teeth sunk in his lower lip.

You took his reaction as an opportunity to show off a little. Without waiting a minute, you held onto his long fingers without noticing and led him to where the pots of plants were. The cold breeze of the night stroke your bare arms, but you paid it no attention. Your main goal was to keep Chanyeol open-mouthed.

Despite the darkness of the night, Chanyeol's mild smile was visible as he crouched down trying to take a better look at the few pots set in front of him. You stood behind him with a smile of triumph plastered on your face. Maybe your overjoy made you look like an idiot but you paid it no attention.

"See? Told you I'm not boring," you said with your arms crossed over your chest.

"I never said you were boring." He stood and leaned on the railing to bear his weight. His gaze was too strong, not even the pitch black swarming over you could hide it or even lighten it's intensity.

He was probably waiting for you to say something, but under the pressure of the situation all you were able to do was look anywhere but the strength of his gaze. You chose to face the night sky and keep a tally of the uncountable numbers of stars dotting the darkness.

Your flustered demeanor was enough of a hint for him to either break the silence with another topic or to join your moment of quietude, and on imagining both of the scenarios, he chose the latter.

His eyes shifted from scanning the view in front of him to you shifting your weight from one foot to another. "How about you teach me how to play the game you were playing earlier?"


(wait for ✨chapter 13✨)

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