Chapter 2

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Soz for the short chapter and the long wait! Here ya go!

Chloe's POV:

'Chloe, are you are ready for breakfast?' my mum says. Yes mum, I'm coming. Right, now is the perfect opportunity for me to show you my house. It's not exactly your average house. Here is the lift, over there is the bathroom, over here is my mum and dad's room, over THERE is my brothers room and we just saw my room. Let's go downstairs now. 'Bing'. I love that sound, it's so cool but simple. Right enough about lift sounds, on with the tour. Down here is my physio pool and if we go over there, I'll show you my track. Ah, here we are, my racing track. You are probably wondering how can I race, if I can't walk, run or jog. Simple, it's my wheelchair race track. I'm entering the Paralympics in 3 years, because they happened last year. My racing track is brill cos I can fit in loads of practice plus it's really fun. By the way, I'm thirteen. Ahead of us is the kitchen and behind that is the front room. Now, I'd better go have breakfast or mum will blow a fuse. She once got really angry, I mean really angry. Thankfully, I had Georgie my dog. Her real name is Georgia but between me and you, she likes Georgie better. I'll see you later.

Bye mum, I'll see you later. 'Bye sweetheart, have a great day at school'. Thanks mum, you have a great day too. Right let's get on the bus before we are late. Hey mister, I call to my boyfriend Jason, he is paraplegic too and we both have fun racing each other on my track and doing other stuff. 'Hey cutie' he calls back. I wheel myself next to him and give him a kiss. A smile appears on his face and I can't help smiling as well. We talk about the weekend and what to do after school. Thank god, it's Friday today. Schools alright though, I've got crystal, my bestie and Jason, my boyfriend. My teachers aren't that bad either. We arrive at school with 10 minutes before form and we wheel ourselves over to crystal. She isn't disabled, if you are wondering. We chat about school and the katy perry concert we are going to on Sunday, (it's Summer break after today so woohoo!) 'Ring Ring' God I hate that bell. Anyway I had better go otherwise I'll get in trouble. I'll see you later, bye.

If we get 15 likes and 20 reads, I'll do a Jason pov. Happy voting! :)

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