Chapter 5

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Guys, I'm really sorry about unedited chapters before. Anyway I hope you still enjoy this chapter and I'm sorry if this has any mistakes in it. Anyway...enjoy the chappie!(ps. sorry about the short chapters, I hope you still like my book)

Chloe's POV:

Woohoo! I mentally scream in my head while punching my fists in the air.You are probably wondering why I'm doing this. Well it's because a. I got an A on my science test (it's science now and we just got out papers back) and b. because it's the last lesson before the summer holidays. Today in science we are doing an experiment with fuels. The experiment today includes: a piece of coal, a Dorito, a piece of paper, a wotsit and a wooden splint. What we have to do is put them over the Bunsen burner and see how long it's takes for them to burn. Then we fill it in on the sheet we were just given. There are many reasons why I like science but here is just two: 1.My teacher (Miss Millett) is really nice and 2.We do really fun experiments in science. Anyway, I have to go and do an experiment or in other words, have lots of fun. See you later, bye :-)

After science... 'Schools out for summer, di do do di do' enters my ears. I turn my head to the side to see my boyfriend acting like a little kid and singing one of the oldest songs I know. You like acting like a little kid, don't you? Ahh, yes I do. Because it makes you think I'm cute, doesn't it? I sigh and reluctantly reply, saying the answer we both know is true. Now, only two days till the concert. Are you excited, mi'lady? Jason asks. Did ya really have to say that? I reply. No, but I wanted to. I really don't have a clue why you like her so much, is it just a girl thing or what? Jason says. Girl thing I shoot back at him. I'll tell you one thing I do know though, I love you loads so I don't mind coming with you and crystal' he says in a singysongy way. Aww, you are too cute. 'I know' he replies smugly. We get on the bus and wheel to our normal spot. So, you want to come over my house? I ask, with a kiddy smile on face. Of course, Jason replies. Anyway, I have to go, I have some more stuff to arrange. See you later, bye :-)

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