Chapter 8

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It was almost the end, but then something called prism vision happened. You needed special glasses, which we didn't have but luckily as we were about to go someone was selling prism vision glasses so me and Chrystal got some. We would have got Jason some but they were £3 each and Jason didn't seem too interested anyway. We quickly hurried back to the back just in time for prism vision to start. It was quite cool but at the start, it kept saying 'prism vision' which was starting to get annoying. Thankfully, just before I'd had enough, it started. It was so cool. They was a rainbow moving around, turning into different shapes and then Katy perry started to sing. It was like a double experience or a 2 for 1. And to think we only paid an extra £6 for that. We had to go to Mullen avenue so my mum could pick us up. But even though the concert finished at 11pm, we got out the arena at half past. But we were lucky, some people had to wait almost an hour, maybe more to leave since it was so packed. We started walking and wheeling to Mullen avenue in silence but a minute later I asked what everyone thought of it. I got no reply, which I thought was odd but suddenly I hear a scream to get out the way. I go to move but it's too late, I'm knocked down, my world swirling around, my eyes slowing shutting. I get a quick look at Chrystal, lying still on the ground before I thud to the ground and get consumed by darkness...

(Chloe's mum POV)

I'm about to go collect the girls and Jason when I suddenly get I phone call. I answer it quickly and say hello.

Chloe's mum: Hello?

Hospital: Mrs Ormond?

CM: Yes?

H: This is Gilmont hospital. We wanted to inform you that your daughter has been taken into the emergency department.

CM: What?

H: Yes, around 11:40, she was knocked down. Her heart stopped for a minute, stopping oxygen to the brain but we were able to resuscitate her and bring her back. She is currently stable but we are unsure if she sustained any brain damage.

CM: O-oh, okay. Thank you.

I hung up the phone and immediately felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. I quickly grabbed my coat, phone and car keys and went straight to the hospital. When I arrived I saw Jason. Hi he said sheepishly. Hello I replied. Chrystal is in surgery he said. Why? I asked. She was directly hit on her back and slumped to the ground. She was complaining of excruciating back pain but eventually lost consciousness caused from a spinal bleed. They aren't sure if there is any permanent damage but they said it was a possibility since the bleed was discovered a few minutes after it happened, and she almost died from blood loss he explained. Ok I said. Then I turned to the receptionist to find out where Nicola was. I eventually got there and looked at her for a few moments, before I was interrupted by the doctor. Hello he said. We spoke on the phone. We are currently concerned about her brain and if it sustained damage because of oxygen deprivation. However she is in a coma and the longer she is in it, the more chance she will have brain damage. Hopefully she will wake up tomorrow or Tuesday. If she does there is a greater chance of not having brain damage, however if she doesn't wake up in one or two weeks we can try to wake her up using a drug called Nopulium. It activates certain parts of the brain to help her wake up. We can't use it too early however because if her body wakes up while Nopulium has been given to her, it could cause stress and too much hyperactivity, possibly leading to brain damage. But she was resuscitated very quickly so there is less chance of brain damage. I'll leave you to stay with her. Wait I called before he left. Do you know if Chrystal Hemms is out of surgery yet? Yes she is. You can come see her but I don't think she will be awake. Do you want to he asked. I nodded my head, so he said ok, follow me and we eventually reached chrystals room. Here it is, come get me if you need. My name is Doctor Monkel. Ok, thank you I said. He nodded and left down the long, long hallway. I entered the room slowly careful not to wake her up but she woke up anyway. Hello Chrystal I said quietly. H-h-hi, she murmurered, still not fully awake from the anaesthesia. Are you ok? I asked. She gently nodded her head but she whispered 'my back hurts though'. Ok I replied.


Annnnnnnnnnd, I have some exciting news. Katy perry will be introduced in the next few chapters. I hope you enjoyed this and keep reading 😛😛😛 Nickstar 🌟

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