1~Leaving Starlight

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September 1st

Aphs POV:

This summer would've had to have been the best so far.

After all the events that happened.

Yes, some of the events that have happened here on starlight are terrible.

Most of it was amazing.

Like when Aaron proposed to me, when we went adventuring, when he turned me, although we know that it has some bad sides about it.

Also when my mom opened up to me about my father, she said if I wanted to try to reconnect with him I could, but she suggested I not and she didn't even tell me his name though so it'd be a bit challenging to.

I might try though.

Also the bad stuff that happened in starlight.

Like Garroth getting turned, he's still suffering and it's unsure if he will survive.

And Aaron seeing Ein.

I have no idea what Ein has planned, but I know we won't like it.

I've also got this...feeling...in my stomach.

Something usual.

If it keeps up I might go see a doctor, though I'm nervous too ever since Aaron turned me.

If they did a bone structure, they'd start to make connections.

Although I've got a completely clueless doctor that believes anything you tell her.

I should probably get a new doctor though.

Anyway I'd have no choice but to see her if it keeps up, I've also got a rare blood type too.

Some blood type that's a mix of Human and Werewolf DNA, It's confusing and rare.

Anyway, we're about to get on a private plane with everyone, Garroth will be in a special place on the plane.


Aaron and I got sitted and started talking, mainly about how things will be when we get back home.

Then I got this sicking feeling in my stomach.

I played it cool and told Aaron I was tired, he suggested I get some rest.

So I layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Words: 329

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