Shocking News

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I doubt y'all have heard about what happened in NS but my heart is broken from it.

Long story short: a man got a cop car, cop outfit, gun, and went around shooting people in my home province.

It wasn't just a normal shooting though. It turned out to be the biggest shooting in Canadian history.

Killed 19 (and counting) people including an RCMP officer, a pregnant nurse, a 7-year old girl, and more innocent victims.

This is so shocking because in Canada (especially in the maritimes), stuff like this is so uncommon and it's never expected here.

Yesterday night a lot of people lit up candles for the victims and I swear the sky was not just a coincidence.

I don't know what it was but many people are taking it as a sign that mother nature is showing love to Nova Scotia or that it's a sign that the victims have made it up to heaven.

But this whole experience has a lot of us in shock and a lot of us carry heavy hearts at this time.

This situation has also made me realize how Canadians can be like a huge family and support their neighbours no matter what.

This has made me remember that we can die at any second and we shouldn't leave any hate in our hearts, shouldn't be an evil person, and shouldn't stay stuck up on stupid things.

Our lives are really precious and don't take things for granted, live your life in the best way possible.

To all to the beautiful people seeing this from wherever you are, I love and care about you.

Don't disrespect yourself and please be the best person you can be for your life and everyone elses.

And to all my Canadians who might be seeing this, I know the whole country is a little shaken right now but I'm positive we'll get through this as a nation.

As Trudeau said, we don't want to give the killer the gift of infamy, so please don't mention his name if you know.

Instead let's mention the names of the victims and tell their stories.

I hope you're all safe from this pandemic and all having good times at home.

I just wanted to share this because even though I know people probably don't know about this, maybe someone can find comfort in something about this in any way.

Comfort in realizing that life is precious, that you are lucky to be here, that you are special, that you are not alone.

I know a shooting like this probably isn't big news to some people (sadly) but this is very shocking to us up north.

I love you all❤️


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