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I m back 😉


SANSKAR is driving the car harshly.

SANSKAR (in mind):if anything happens with my child i swear on my SWARA i will kill each and everyone in parth house.

SANSKAR comes to parth flat. He starts ringing the bell continually.

Kavita (horrified ):mom may be bhai has come. If swara has told bhai everything about us than what will happen mom.

Sujata(horrified to but still act as strong ):don't worry Kavita. Just be calm. I will handle parth.

Sujata and Kavita go towards the door and opens the door.

They become shocked to see SANSKAR. SANSKAR sees angrily towards them and after pushing them from his front he comes inside the house.

Sujata :hey u SANSKAR what u r doing here.

SANSKAR (shouts ):swara swara jaan

Kavita (shocking ):jaan mom he says swara jaan

Sujata (Being shocked from SANSKAR statement whisper ):yes

Swara (from inside the room comes towards the gate):i m here SANSKAR i m here.

SANSKAR (goes towards the room):jaan. I m here don't worry i will take u out from here

He tries to open the door but he can't make it open. He goes towards Sujata angrily.

SANSKAR (forwarding his hand towards sujata):give me the key of the room.

Sujata (angrily ):u cheap disgusting boy. I m not going to give u the keys.

SANSKAR (holds Sujata wrist tightly making her wince pain):give me the key otherwise consequence is not going to be good sujata aunty. I will beat same like that way in that way u had beaten my jaan i will not think once for ur age also. (he screams making Sujata terrible in his anger )give me the key

She gives the key to SANSKAR in fear and leaves from there immediately. Kavita holds Sujata wrist lightly which become red by SANSKAR hard grip.

Sanskar immediately opens the door and in no mean time Swara hugs Sanskar. He even didn't get time to see her wounds.

Sanskar breaks the hug and see towards Swara whose body is showing the effect of domestic violence. He touches towards her back. She winces in pain. He closes his eyes in anger while rubbing his teeth with each other. He moves towards Sujata and slaps her hard making everyone shock over there. Sujata falls down from his hard slap. Blood stats coming out from Sujata lips. Kavita bends down and holds Sujata.

Sanskar goes back to Swara and takes her in his arms.

Sanskar (taking Swara in his arms):this just trailer aunty movie is still remaining i will not leave u and ur daughter for this. U have to pay for ur deeds and these wounds which u have given to my jaan.

He goes from their while taking Swara with him in his arms.

Kavita (while touching sujata lips):mom r u ok.

Sujata (holds her cheek where Sanskar had slapped in anger):Kavita u had told me Sanskar has a girlfriend.

Kavita :yes

Sujata :and she is pregnant with his child

Kavita :yes mom. (shocking )ohh my god Swara is pregnant with Sanskar child

Sujata (in anger with hatred towards swasan):yes u had done a sin Sanskar. Don't think Swara u will live happily with Sanskar. I will snatch everything from u. Sanskar u have to pay for this slap.


Doctor treats Swara well.

Both swasan sits in front of Doctor.

Swara(crying ):is baby alright Doctor

Sanskar holds swara hand and nodes his head no to stop her crying.

Doctor :mrs

Sanskar :Sanskar mahesweri

Doctor :mrs mahesweri u r blessed by god that no wounds u got in ur stomach otherwise their is no chance in this worst condition that ur baby should be safe.

Swara (happily ):it means my baby is alright

Doctor :yes ur both baby is alive

Swara (happily ):Sanskar god save our baby he is alive. Thank u god for ur mercy.

Doctor :but mr mahesweri but seeing her wounds i can easily guess that she had beaten up badly. U should filed a police report against it. And please take her care she is really weak. It is just starting of her pregnancy and these wounds Good for both mother and child. I hope u understand my words.

Sanskar :yes Doctor. Thanks

Doctor :it's my duty mr mahesweri. Please give her happy environment she needs it

Sanskar :ok

They leaves from there.


Swara :where r we going

Sanskar :to our house

Swara :but sanskar if my parents and di get to know everything what they will think about me.

Sanskar (while driving the car):now they will know everything Swara and it is high time and from now no hide and seek between us. They should get to know about us.

Swara:but what they will think about that i have"ILLEGAL RELATIONSHIP WITH MY HUSBAND FRIEND ".

Sanskar :do u love me Swara

Swara :ofcourse i love u than be ready for everything because this ILLEGAL RELATIONSHIP Journey is not easy for us. We have to listen many things from now. Before consequence of everything become more worse we have to get married soon. I will make my lawyer be ready to make u and parth divorce soon and after that we we will  get married.


Sujata and kavita tells everything of today's incident to parth. He can't believe this. He is having anger +sorrow inside him.

Sujata :u should have some shame on urself parth. What kind of man u r ur wife is sleeping with someone and u don't know anything about it and now she is carrying that cheap illegitimate child inside her womb. Disgusting. Now what u will do haa. U r going to tolerate all this.

Parth(throws all the things from dinning Table ):not at all mom. Swara have to pay for this. I will not make swasan live happily. They have to pay for this. They have to pay.