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Sorry for being irregular guys. Actually mom is little bit weak because of fever so i have to with her Sorry once again.



Sanskar is waiting for Doctor outside the room.

Doctor comes out.

Sanskar :how is swara and baby Doctor.

Doctor :u r really lucky mr mahesweri both r safe but please try to give mother happy atmosphere because all the time luck will be not in ur favour. Ur baby health totally depends on ur wife health so please try to make mother Healthy and happy.

Sanskar :ya ok Doctor.Can i Meet her.

Doctor :ya she is conscious.. But she have to stay here tonight

Sanskar goes inside the room.

He sits near swara bed. He holds her hand.

Sanskar :how r u.

Swara(teary eyes):i START hating my life sanskar.

Sanskar (wipes her tears):why u r saying this swara. Don't say this they don't know anything right now that's why they r saying this. After knowing everything they will surely trust u swara. And please don't cry this is for our baby health darling. Please

Swara nodes her head in acceptance.

Swara :i will live for us and our child.

Sanskar (kisses her forehead ):that's like my girl.


Swara is sleeping peacefully After the medicine effect.

Sanskar sees towards Swara lovingly. He takes his mobile and dials one number.

Sanskar (in call):mr khan i want that u prepare divorce paper of parth malhotra and mrs Swara parth malhotra.. I want that u send that papers on mr malhotra home tomorrow morning.

Sanskar cuts the call.

Sanskar (in mind ):now i have to make Swara free from this unwanted relationship.  (angrily )than mr malhotra u have to pay for everything. U have to pay for taking advantage of Swara innocence.



Door bell rings. Kavita opens the door and receives the courier.

Sujata:what is this

Kavita :don't know mom it is on bhai's name.

Parth comes and takes the courier. He opens it and starts reading it angrily.

He becomes hell angry after reading it.

Sujaa:what happen beta why u r so angry.
Parth:as expected mom.

Kavita :what mean bhai

Parth:mom it is divorce paper.

Sujata:shameful woman. She is destroying everything.Chii cheap woman. Now what will we do.

Parth (smirks ):what u think mom. They r thinking that they will start their life happily. I had done many things to make Swara mine mom. I love her mom. Sanskar can't snatch her from me. She is mine

Kavita :After doing so much u still love her bhai.

Parth :ya she has done much bad with me. She cheated me but still i can't stop loving her mom. I love her and i want her back. Than i will punish her for her deeds. But before that time for punishment Swara baby.


Sanskar takes swara to his room in bridal style and make her sit on bed.

SANSKAR (kisses her forehead ):so my baby take rest over here i will be back in sometime ok.

Swara (smiles):ok

Sanskar leaves from there and swara starts watching a comedy show in T. V
for making herself forget about her parents and making herself happy for her baby.

After few minutes she receives a call in her mobile. She takes the mobile and becomes shocked to see the ID.

Swara (in mind ):why parth is calling me.

She receives the call.

Parth (smirks and sits on bed):finally sweetheart after a big revelation we have a time for conversation. So how u r doing sweetheart enjoying with ur boyfriend on bed.

Swara (angrily ):u r so cheap parth. U don't have anything in mind expect sex.

Parth :ya i have these things only on mind but i have done this thing only with one girl ever and that is only u. U know why because i love u jaan

Swara:u r disgusting parth.

Parth (laughs ):but still i m ur husband sweetheart. U r my wife. What will people think when they will come to know about this haa.

Swara :i don't care about people. Do u get it. I happy because i have my Sanskar and my baby with me.

Parth (angrily ):so u want freedom from me.

Swara(angrily ):yes i want freedom from think unwanted relationship from u.

Parth :swara swara. U know what kind of person i m sweetheart. Open the T. V baby and decides the things

Swara opens the T. V.

She sees SANSKAR and kavita pics on T. V

REPORTER:so  Mr Sanskar mahesweri is finally in a relationship. After seeing with so many girls finally he is going to get married with his best friend sister kavita malhotra. People had seen mr mahesweri too cozy with her and according to his best friend he is all set to marry with his sister.

She closes the T. V angrily.

She js going to yell on parth but before that parth stops her.

Parth:i know i know u want to say many things sweetheart. But listen one thing clearly Swara. SANSKAR had spent 1year in footpath after coming from his village. U know sweetheart after knowing that he has a illegal relationship with his best friend wife what will people think about him and u and u know cheery on the cake is this. That baby what u r having in ur womb. Sanskar share market will go down so soon and ur darling Sanskar will become bankrupt. Aww he will soon lost his everything Swara what he has earn in 5 years. Do u want this sweetheart.

Swara (starts crying in fear):no i don't want this.

Parth :perfect

Swara :why u r doing this parth what u want

Parth (smirks):i want u sweetheart whatever the situation is sweetheart i want u as mine.