Lambo's recovery

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Not long after the happenings, Lambo is escorted to a specialized hospital for flame users. Tsuna had already send S.O.S messages to Varia and Gesso requesting their medical assistance. He hate owning Byakuran something or anything but the situation at hand is more important. In the nick of time, the door next to them slams open revealing Squalo, Lussuria, Byakuran and Daisy.

'Voi!!! You better be serious about this', Squalo screech.

'Ara, ara, Tsu-chan~ you seems to be in quite a predicament', Byakuran cooes before stuffing his mouth with a handful of marshmallows. 'Byakuran-sama, what am I suppose to do?', Daisy stutters, holding his raggard door closer to his chest.

Byakuran pets his surbodinate's head, with a sly smile he instructed the latter to proceed in helping Ryohei. Reluctantly, Daisy saunter into the surgery room with Lussuria tailing behind him. After seeing Daisy off Byakuran turn his gaze to Tsuna. His eyes shrewed, making the guardians touch their weapons ready for something unpredictable.

Seeing the reaction he receive, Byakura smile. 'Now,now, I won't do anything unecessary. Tsu-chan. Mind telling me, what kind of creature you and your guardians had fought?'.

'Bastard!! Can't you read the situ-'. Tsuna raise his hand, making the silverette to clam up.

'Byakuran. I will do a briefing with the rest of you as soon as this problem is settle. For the meantime, please put up your guard for anything. Inform the Giglio Nero too if you would'.

'Hmm~ you are not the boss of me Tsu-chan. Don't tell me what to do. But. I'm on my way to see Uni-chan so I might do just that', Byakuran creep closer, his lips barely inches away from Decimo's ear 'I want full report about this assault. Bye~', Byakuran disappear leaving a trail of puffy pink smoke similar to Lambo's cannon which cause Tsuna's gut to twist in agony. All he no- all they could do now are waiting. Hibari is gone to who knows where, Mukuro too. Probably finding the Skylark for revenge or something. I-pin,Kyoko and Chrome stays huddling together trying to find comfort. Haru on the other hand seems to be distant, maybe because she's the closest to Lambo out of the five of them. Yamamoto drums his fingers on his thigh with a strained smile, Gokudera is being quiet for once, all in all, none of them feel joy in waiting. The door slams open again but none of them pays any attention to the newcomer.

'What are you guys doing? Acting like that stupid cow is dead', Reborn asks, managing to break the tense atmosphere.

' Reborn! Where have you been?', Tsuna wasn't aware of the five year old disappearance.

'None of your concern. I bring good news. I found a doctor who can help Lambo'.


The sounds of boots stomping around the hallway pulls their attention towards a petite girl with silver braided hair. The girl look suspicious but Tsuna didn't dare to question Reborn's method mainly because he would get shot for just being a bit defiant.

'Introducing. Aria di Cielo. A distant relative of mine', on cue, the girl bow down.

'A pleasure meeting you Vongola Decimo', her voice is alluring and soft, bringing serenity to those who hears it.

'Reborn. Are you sure she's capable of helping Lambo?'.

'Are you doubting me Dame-Tsuna?', Reborn hiss, a Leon gun rest idly in his hand.

'That's not what I meant. Put down that damn gun would you.'

Aria chuckle, she never thought Vongola Decimo fear the Ex-sun arcobaleno this much. 'Fear not Vongola Decimo. No harm will come to your brother. If he manage to return', she speaks the last part as quietly as she could.

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