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Tsuna flutter his eyes open, it takes him a few minutes before his vision is better. Tons of questions lingers in his mind but the biggest of them all is where in the world is he? The room is unfamiliar but accomodating not to mention very lavish. A wooden oak cabinat glimmers in front of him and there's a three foot mirror place just the opposite of his bed. From his reflection he could see that he's bandage from head to toe and looking more and more like a mummy. Scanning the room, he sees nothing out of the ordinary until the sweet marshmallows fragrance wafts into the room making his stomach rumbles in hunger.

'So you're awake Tsu-chan', a familiar sing sang voice state. A few meter next to him, Byakuran is leaning leisurely on the door frame munching a dozen marshmallows at once. His cheeks is a magical thing, it bloats into the size of a basket ball and he can still shove more of his marshmallows in. In his hand is a king size marshmallow packet, but something else resting in his finger catch Tsuna's attention. There's no way he'll forget the oval shape studed ring with wings by its side. A ring which should be in Vindice's possession. He rather not pursue the matter just yet.

'Where am I?', he ask.

Byakuran step into the room with a creepy smile 'In Gesso's family guest room. Your mansion is in a pretty bad shape, so I, as your good friend take the liberty and invite all of your friends here for a sleep over!!', Byakuran cheer, a couple of his marshmallows shot out. It amazes Tsuna how he can still pronounce words with that much stuff in his mouth. 'Anyway, you're asleep for three days straight and we were starting to get worried especially that little lap dog of yours. Any how, there's a meeting due four days after you wake up. Bye bye bi~', is all Byakuran says before he poof out of existence. Tsuna blink away the puff of smokes, Byakuran have an eccentric sense of entering and leaving.

A good half an hour later,three of his guardians come parading into his room, each of them have their certains body parts wrapped in bandages though Ryohei seems to have it worse. His face consist of nothing else but bruises and scratches whilst the rest of his body are full of blues and blacks. Tsuna open his mouth to ask why was he so heavily injured but Yamamoto beat him to it.

'Kyouya', that name alone is enough to explain ninety percent of the boxer's condition. What surprise him more is the sight of their box animals tailing behind them like ducklings. Now this is odd, his guardians know better than to let their animals loose especially summoning their animals requires flames and energy. Out of nowhere, Roll and Hibird lands on his bed with a smile an animal could do. He was surprised at first when this two animals suddenly appear in front of him a week ago and they have been following him ever since, save the conflict that happen a few days ago.

'Here, Tsuna', Yamamoto place a small table on his bed, he then present him with varieties of sushi's and an apple juice. Tsuna shot his friend a grateful look, honestly he thought he would die starving.

During his meals, his guardians are surprisingly quiet. Even Ryohei and Gokudera didn't engage in a verbal fight. From the corner of his eyes, he could see each of them have something weighting their minds. Almost finishing his meals Mukuro suddenly shows up panting and sweaty, he trudge into the room before tripping over a pillow and shamlessly fall face first on the rug.

'M-Mukuro! Are you alright?', looking at how tired his mist is, Tsuna couldn't help but think he had take part in a fight.

'Don't worry boss, Mukuro-sama is fine. He is just tired', his other half mist reassures. Tsuna shift his gaze towards Chrome. The girl isn't in a better shape than Mukuro, she too look worse for wear.

'Chrome did you guys got ambushed?', thousands of possible scenes flash into his mind as he tries to figure out what cause his mists to be so worn out. He flash Mukuro a concern look but the latter seems to has drift of to slumber land judging by how his shoulder rise and fall. He had never seen his fearsome mist looking so... pathetic in all his life.

Katekyoshi hitman reborn!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora