Attack (Part 2)

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This goes without saying that Tsuna and his friends are having a really terrible time fighting off against Aileen. She's a woman and that's problem enough since hitting her is out of question. Next is her agility, it is top notch they could barely land a hit and then there's the quirks they accidentally attain after drinking the potion.

'Curse you woman!!', Gokudera shouts, he pulls out three sticks of dynamites ready to throw them when Uri, unsespectingly latch itself on his face burying it's claws deeper into his skin. Yes, that potion turn his partner as he call it, against himself.

Tsuna is the only one serious enough to actually fight if you count out the fact he's slipping in and out of his Hyper Dying Will Mode. 'Hiee!!', he screech when he barely dodge the claws aiming for his torso, though now he's slipped out more often than in. Aileen on the other hand feels more and more agitated with them, they didn't dish her a good fight instead they are goofing their heads off. Having enough of their antics she restarts her minions to fend off the extra players. As off now, she's standing face to face with the boss, away from additional hindrance. Her minions surrounding them both entrapping the two of them. Tsuna didn't like the change of setting. Honestly, he would rather not fight the lady.

'Now those bratty kids are gone, it's time you face me seriously', she raise her claws. Tsuna's reply? Of course a high pitched shriek. Why? He slips out. Meanwhile outside, neither of his friends are enjoying the fact they can't use their power properly.

Yamamato seems to have the least problems, that is until he had to fend off a mountain of globs. Yamamoto manage to slash another dozen of glob in half with ease, despite that they are greatly outnumbered, he wanted to use all his blades. 'Jiro! Kojiro!', he shouts, calling forth his canine and swallow duo. 'Cambio Forma!', he says between slashes. Yamamoto carefully cuts through his opponents, still awaits the up coming transformation.

When there's isn't any ,he is left dumbfounded, there is no sudden surge of power, no pressure on his back nor the feeling of his flames washing over him. Yamamoto crane his head backwards. He is in shock, really. Both his animals are shivering in fright, Jiro let out a simple whimper, closing it's eyes with it's paws while Kojiro perch on top of it completely paralyze. As quick as he can, Yamamoto retrace his steps towards the two.

'What's the matter Jiro?', he playfully scratch its ear, mindful of the enemies around him. Jiro let out a soft woof and shot him a beaten puppy look. Confuse, Yamamoto poke Kojiro. The swallow dramatically fall onto the ground still frozen like. Yamamoto didn't have time to ponder about his pets when Gokudera holler his name to take cover. He barely sees a dozen dynamites flying over him, blasting off those globs to nowhere.

The irate guardian strode his way over, another dozens of dynamites in his hands. 'Oi baseball freak, yours too?'.

Yamamoto laugh good naturedly, like he always does, ' Yeah', is all he says. Gokudera click his tongue in annoyance, their fight has gotten harder in less than ten minutes. With their respective partners attitude, it will be impossible for them to do a Cambio Forma, despite that, they can still put up a fight or so they thought.

'Maa...Maa.. it seems we're in a pinch Hayato', Yamamoto states as he lifts his trusty Shigure Kintoki. The blade glints menacingly daring anyone who dares to challange its master.

The bomber snort, this is merely another set of difficult challenge, nothing they can't handle. Albeit his confidence, Gokudera couldn't help but worry about the rest of their friends. Yamamoto being the observant person he is, pats the teen's shoulder. 'They'll be fine', he simply says.

'Tch! I know that', Gokudera snaps but he's grateful, because Yamamoto presence is like the rain that washes out his worries. No matter how cheesy that sounds, it's the truth. Not that he'll openly admits it. 'Let's just get this over with', he muse before throwing another sets of his explosives.

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