Vongola's advisor

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Lambo flutter his eyes open, everything around him is blurry and he could feel pain soaring in his body, slightly restricting him for moving. Despite that, he still manage to sit up.

'Where am I?', the smell of drugs and medicines greet him, giving him answer about his current where about. The hospital is definitely a thousand times better than the stupid weather mess ocean.

'Lambo?', at the door frame, a dark brown haired girl enters the room with a tray of food in her arms.

'Haru-', he didn't get to finish his sentence when Haru envelope him in her hug of death as she says it. Instead of returning the gesture, Lambo claws the girl's back spluttering incoherent words.

'H-haru-nee, can't b-breath!!'.

'Ah! Sorry Lambo. I'm very happy that you're fine', Haru had grown out of her third persona speech when she was eighteen, sometimes she slips- mainly when she's nervous, desperate or really happy.

'What are you doing here Haru-nee?', the answer is obvious, but hearing them never fail to warm the boy's heart hence making his day better.

'I'm here to look after you. And wake your brother up', Haru points to his left side of the bed. There Tsuna is sleeping soundly with his head resting at the edge of the bed. His chest rises slowly indicating that he had it rough the past few days.

'He never leave your side even for a minute, he says he want to be the first one to greet you when you wake up. It seems that I have stolen that wish of him. Hayato had to bring his paperwork here because of that.' Lambo sweat dropped, his brother's stubbornness is legendary- apart from his puppy dog eyes.

'Tsuna-nii. Tsuna-nii... Tsuna-nii...wake up.'

'Huh?!! Hmm.. five more minutes..', Tsuna groggily reply before burying his head deeper into the crumple sheet.

Sighing, Haru takes a stand next to him. Her hands rest near his hips, with a devilish grin she shower Tsuna with a rain of tickles.

'Kuchikuchikoo'. Tsuna wake up with a jolt. He couldn't stop laughing and hunching himself in hope to stop the attacks coming his way.

'Alright! Alright I'm awake', he shouts.

Lambo chuckle, he misses his sister's eccentric way of waking people up. At some point she even dump a whole pot of hot gravy on top of Mukuro because the man sleep in.

'Geez Haru, you know I'm ticklish. Don't do that'.

'I wouldn't do that if you had wake up like Lambo ask you too', Haru retorts with a huff.

'Lambo?', Tsuna turn his gaze. The boy sheepishly wave his hand. 'Good morning, Tsuna-nii!'.

Seeing how Tsuna would pounce on the teen any minute, Haru quickly grab his collar. 'Tsuna-san! You have a meeting coming up. Go home and get dressed. Takeshi is waiting for you on the second floor. Reborn said you have an hour or he'll literally bring Hibari here to drag you out'.

'Hie!!!! That spartan tutor says that!!. I'm sorry Lambo, we'll continue this once I return', within seconds, Tsuna had already sprint half way down the stairs his tail between his legs.

'Some brother he is. So Haru-nee, mind filling me in what happen when I was out?'.

'Sure, but eat first.' She fetch the tray she had been carrying which miraculously survive the hug.

Tsune groan, Gokudera had been pestering him for the past ten minutes because he's late. He didn't need to know that since Reborn would use this as an excuse to upgrade his turtoring. Tsuna shudder upon the thought, with a heavy heart he push open the steel door, giving him access to the meeting room. The interior is top notch with a long three feet mahagony table, enough to occupy three dozen people at once. The wall on his right had Vongola's crest painted on it whilst the wall on his left have each designs of symbols for his guardians attributes. The people presence are his guardians minus Lambo, Varia, the Ex-arcobalenos, Enma, Dino and Byakuran. Spanner and Soichi stand at the end of the table facing the door and Tsuna. In their hand is a pad connected to the huge 4K UHD screen behind them.

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