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His footsteps echoes in the darken hallway, 'Sir! S-Sir!', a woman in her mid thirties call. Her auburn bun is now a mess, sweats rolls down her face, an aftermath of her efforts to catch up with her boss's hurried strides.

'What is it Veronica?', he snarls, both his palms fisted as he sharply turns around shocking the poor woman. He's a man of time, wasting a minute is a sin in his standing.

Veronice gulps, she prays to god hoping that she'll live to see another day for her boss's stare most certainly can kill. 'S-Sir, you can't meet them. Not in your current position', she whispers.

'Who are you, telling me what I can and can't do', he snaps. The man step closer, shorterning their distance causing Veronice to takes a few steps back. When she feels the cold hard wall, she's certain this time, he will not let her go unsacthed. His beefy hand snakes it's way to her throat, gripping them tightly constricting her air pipes. With little force, he brings her closer until their noses are touching. 'I'll do as I please', he states with finality.

With effort, Veronice shakily grabs his gripping hand. 'But Sir, you're a delegate, seeing an outlaw, a mafia no less will affect your position', after she said that, Veronica isn't completely sure what happen. One minute she's being chocked to death, but now, she's lying on the cold hard ground with her arms stinging in pain. The impact had cause her, her vision. She couldn't make out anything with bleary eyes. Using the wall as support, she shakily climbs to her and saunter down the hallway towards their infirmary.

The man grunts, after hearing his assistant's reasoning, he's starting to have a second thought yet at the same time he need to end this quick. Fishing out his phone he speed dial somebody. Not a second too late a playful voice booms through.


'Lu, I need you to do something for me'.

'I'm sorry who is this?'.

He grit his teeth, his patience running thin. Gripping his phone tighter he spats the words out like venom.

'I don't have time for this. Can you do me a favor or not.'

There's silence, and with that he is about to vent out his frustration when Lu answers.

'Hold your vendetta Admien. Can't you take a joke?'.

'I said-'.

'Okay, okay. I get it. What is it this time?'.

'Track down Vongola. I want result pronto. Can you do that?'.

'Tch, yeah.. yeah whatever', is all Lu says before he cuts the line. Admien stares at his phone in disbelief. That excuse of a man needs a lesson in mannerisms, and he'll be glad to teach him. Albiet Lu is nearly thirty- twenty-six years of age to be exact, that man acts worse than a five year old child throwing a fit. Letting out a groan, Admien pulls out a silveric pocket watch, with ease he click it open. On top of it is a gem in a mix color of green and purple with little gold stars encircling it. 'Time is of the essence', he mumurs as he shut the watch and leaves.

Lu throw his phone on the mahagony table right in front of him. Twirling his black leather seat, his mind ponder about Admien request. On top of his desk are three different computer, surrounding him are books of various kinds. Starting for the ancient strategy for wars to how to cook your own fried noodle. A few feet to his right is a resting place. There's red couches with a small glass table in the center. Tons of files were put on top if it, obscuring the beautiful designs that were engrave on it. A knock on his door is all he needs to break out of his reverie. The door creaks open, a bespectacle girl enters the room balancing a tray with one arm. With ease she swipe the piles of files on the table away, scattering papers everywhere making a mess of the room. She didn't even flich when Lu shot her a look of anger. Nonchalantly, she takes a seat on one of the cusions before sipping her earl grey tea.

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