Now what....

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Minutes after Byakuran leave the trio to handles those crazy lunatics call humans, things are starting to get a little out of hand. From the roof, Ryu is trying her best to man tiers of machine guns fill with rows of sleeping balls in order to assist all the lone guardians. Ryu tap her earpiece and a resounding gunshot revebrated through.

'Oi! You okay Haru?'.

Ugh...yeah. How's your situation?

'Good. Rain, Cloud, and Mists has completed their subjugation. Sun is the only one left with remaining humans. Also the first four is down for the count.'

How so?

'They did some mumbo jumbo like that Aileen chick. Mixed flame or whatever and it's taking a toll on their body. It'll be a matter of time before they pass out from exhaustion. Odds is in our favor though, that spiny thingy hasn't call back up as of yet. We could safely assume, the gate, east side and the back door are clear out. I'm clearing the west side now.' Ryu refill her machine guns, and release a barrage of sleeping bullets towards a group of teenagers.

Ryu, can you get Amane on the line?

'Sure', Ryu left her comfortable leather seat not before setting half of her gun in auto. She hastily make a beeline towards a small table near the trap door, an old and rusty computer resting idly with it's screen flash open. Her hands swiftly glides over the keyboard, typing her commands in a soft thumping sound. She is about to click connect when two foreign green dots catches her eye. 'What the-', her eyes widens when her brain digest what's happening. The sudden realization force Ryu to literally slams the keyboard in haste making the dinky table creaks. Only one thing running in her mind right that moment. She need to sniff out those scums before Haki goes berserk. Nothing good ever comes out when he does.

Haki groans, he manage to finish both his Japan and English literature essay, read the newest topic his teacher probably won't teach for the next few months and everything else, leaving him with one last piece of homework. Grunting for the umpteenth time, he slams his head against the cold hard table with his sister chuckling at his antics.

'You're going to get a concussion if you keep doing that Haki', Lambo says lazily, his hands fiddling with his gameboy.

'Gah!! How come you don't have homework? It's not fair', Haki whines.

'Well, we were suppose to start school a few days ago but this fiasco put that plan on a later date', I-pin offers. Right after their breakfast, Tsuna had usher her, Lambo and Kyoko towards the library. Inside they meet a groaning Haki, diligent Maki and the arguing duo Shiki and Amane. Though their fight cease after awhile when Amane decides to fumbles with his laptop instead.

'Lambo-chan, you should stop playing and start studying. Last time, Reborn-chan isn't so happy about your grades and neither is Tsu-kun', Kyoko reprimand. She feels a bit sad to know her brother is fighting again. He's been doing that a lot lately, and she's surprise on how nonchalant Hana is, knowing her boyfriend charge head on into a fray. The little tremors and gunshots aren't easing her heart in anyway either.

'They'll be fine', a gruff voice says, breaking her trains of thoughts. Kyoko lift her face, surprise to hear the sentence. Shiki cross his arms, 'Stop worrying, they'll be fine. Have faith in your brother'.

Kyoko could see his gesture to comfort her in spite of his never-ending scowl. 'I guess you're right. Thank you', her chest feels lighter than before. 'Hey, is Haru-chan involve in all this?', she ask meakly.

Shiki's mouth pressed into a thin line, he seems reluctant to answer. Kyoko is about to ask again when Amane cuss. The black haired boy, literally throw his laptop aside. 'Out! Everybody out now!', he screams frantically. Seeing his friend's agasht face is enough indication they're in trouble. Shiki gesture to both the twins, before grabbing a bewildered Kyoko by her wrist. 'Come with me'. With Amane as leader, and the kids in front of him, he hopes they escapes what ever problems come rolling their way with their limbs intact.

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