Attack (Part 1)

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Aria wakes up with a grunt, her body is sore all over. She had spent the last few days giving the guardians their potion. And must she say they were a whole lot to handle. With a huff, she haul herself up, literally sauntering into the toilet for a bath. She pull her violet towel and a few of her toiletries and slam the door shut. She should have about three quater of an hour left before breakfast is ready. For sure she can't be tardy, she did that once and the food was gone in one go. Not because of eating but a war. She still could remember the splatter of food on the ground, on the walls even on themselves. Tsuna arrive much latter than her and imagine how surprise he is to see the dining room a dump. Let just say some of them ended up cleaning the mess in a pretty ridiculous costumes.

She turn on the heater and hums her favourite song as she reminisce about her days. A day after her thought, Aria approach the Storm Guardian first since he's the right hand man and all. Gokudera was overjoyed when the vial was presented and became more hyped to know he's one of the first ones receiving after Tsuna. Because of the overly excited gesture, that stupid excuse of a man drank the liquid like a pig causing him to choke on the stub. The poor guy was sent to infirmary soon after. Gokudera is still beridden since the stub damaged his throat muscles so Shamal force him to rest for a few more days. That was six days ago. Feeling tired dealing with the Storm Guardian, Aria decided she'll confront the Rain Guardian at a much later date.

Her meeting with the Rain Guardian went smoother than she intended if you count out the fact he tarnished half of his dojo. Yamamoto was in the middle of training when he was visited by the girl. He was blindfolded whilst handling his katana, slashing the dolls around him. It were placed all over the dojo at a very random spots, to make matter worse she step in when he was trying to slice a doll into chopped liver. She tried to call him but he couldn't heard her over the sound of his slashes so he continued his ritual cornering Aria into a tight spot. If she hadn't counteract, she's probably chopped half by now.

Aria crouch down, swiftly kicked her leg in a rotation,collapsing the guy. The moment his center turn unbalance she quickly kicks his hand making the sword flies back a few meters back. Yamamoto shook his heads a few times, the sudden heaviness on his chest surprised him. He was supposed to be alone so imagine how happy he was to see the advisor straddling him with a huff.

'Yo! What are you doing here?', he scrambled up into a sitting position next to her.

'Don't kid with me...', she hissed barely audible for Yamamoto to hear.

' Don't be such a stiff board, would you like some tea?.' Now she wouldn't wonder why Tsuna was driven up the walls, with this kind of wacko family you'll began to wonder how can he still survived. The good part was that Yamamoto did stop a minute and listen to her intentionally though she doubt he'll understand fifty percent of it. Well, she ain't gonna mess her brain thinking too much so she wave the guardian good bye and finish her work for the day.

The next day was a bit challenging and she almost sign up for an ear surgery and facial remodeling. She went into the gym and greet the Sun Guardian when he was in one of his so call shadow boxing. Aria was sadden to know her luck was shitty for the past few days. This time she was forced to have a boxing match with the guy. He didn't hold back despite the fact she was a girl, and for that she respect him. At last, she managed to give him his share in exchange for a few bruises and a busted lip but it was fun so she didn't mind.

Then, a day after, she went to visit the mists pair. She heard they rented an apartment near the outskirts of town coutersy of Tsuna in hope to lessen the interaction between the Skylark and his ever so sly mist. She still wonders, how in the world did Tsuna managed to drag both the psycho asses to Italy. She guessed some things remains as the world's greatest history. Aria knocks on the door a few times, receiving no answer she stepped in herself. She was sure there were people present since she can hear screaming and hollering coming from the inside.

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