Vongola renewal!

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Lambo sigh for the umpteenth time. It has been three weeks since he's hospitalize and two weeks since he woke up. During those times, his family never miss a day without visiting him. Kyoko and Chrome would come along with I-pin, bringing him foods and homeworks courtesy of I-pin. His brothers would come either bringing catastrophe or stories about their recent mission. Sometime he wonder, can his family be anything but normal? Throwing his gaze outside the window again, his eyes narrows as he counts the car going in and out of the hospital. Tomorrow he will be discharge, free to go home. The sound of his door being open snap him back to reality.

'Hey', Tsuna enters the room with a basket full of sweet and cakes in his hand.

'Hai, Tsuna-nii', Lambo simply reply before returning to what he was doing. This shocked the brunette, Lambo will always be escalated when he sees candies a meter away let alone a basket of them. Seeing him so out of spirit worries the don. Putting his gift on the counter next to his brother's bed, Tsuna takes a seat near the window, looking at whatever his baby brother is looking.

'You can go home tomorrow'.


'Kyoko-chan and I-pin are cooking you tons of food. There's steak, your favorite'.

'Yeah. Nice'.

'Lambo.' Tsuna's stern voice manage to pry the teen's gaze from the window. Lambo shifts his eyes toward his brother. 'What?'.

'Are you okay?'.

'No.' Tsuna furrows his brows, Lambo isn't a child of few words. He would ramble on and on about candies if he could. Seeing him so dishearten is agonizing. Putting his hand on Lambo's shoulder, Tsuna hope Lambo knows he's there for him.


'Yes, lambo'.

'Where's Haru-nee?'. Upon hearimg the question Tsuna could feel his heart breaking. He couldn't tell Lambo what had happen. What Haru had chose. Not in his current condition. Pulling a bitter smile, Tsuna stand up and pat the boy's head promising him an explaination when he is back at the mansion.

Lambo on the other hand didn't pry further about it. His brother seems to have a lot on his mind judging how distraught he looks when that question slam him in the face. He is grateful, at least his brother can spend more time with him than usual, though the child do wonder. How did his brother have a free time despite his hectic schedule?. Through out the visiting time, Lambo didn't talk much, he doesn't have the need to. None of his family ever mention about his dear sister when they visited him and she didn't visit him since after he woke up. He wonder, where in the world could his sister be right now.

Haru gape when she arrive in the airport. Nothing change much, over the past three months of her absence. Pulling her luggage from the retrieve center. She makes a beeline towards the entrance. The people of her hometown are same as ever, busy as a bee one might call it. If you ask her taking the subway would be much quicker; since she has already made her appointment, she needed to wait for somebody to fetch her.

Haru couldn't put it in words the euphoric feeling she get the minute the airplane enter Japan's airspace. She's glad, she's finally home. Pulling out a pair or earphones , she thinks a few music would do before her friend come to pick her up.

'Haru!', Haru put the ear phones back into her pockets when she sees her long lost friend Hana waving at her. Their relationship might not be as close as Hana's with Kyoko but at least they are good friends.

'Hana-san, it's good to see you again!'.

'Same here', Hana chirp. 'Let me help you', she grab Haru's suitcase much to the girl protest but ignore it anyway. Haru didn't bring much. A suitcase, a sling bag and a duffel bag. Pretty simple for a lady if you ask her.

Katekyoshi hitman reborn!!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें