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Tsuna had a rough morning. At breakfast, Lambo didn't talk to any of them nor did he answer their questions. He probably shaken about Haru leaving, still, that doesn't warrant him to be disrespectful towards elders. Tsuna groan at the memory. He is happy to see his office so clean and tidy without the papers and files scattered everywhere. He couldn't believe his eyes when he sees only a stack... Let him repeat a stack of papers on his desk with a smiling Aria next to it. He never thought his work would be so...little. There's still a catch though. As of now, he would attend more meetings and event held by the families in order to preserve the ties between Vongola and them. Lucky for him, that hellish tour hasn't begun yet.

While he was busy reading one of the letters, Gamma the right hand man of Giglio nero barge into the room. The man look piss. Tsuna hope none of his guardians try to pull a prank on him or did some damage to their property. He still could remember the fight between Lambo and Byakuran. Oh how well that went... That's another story to tell. Tsuna look at the man in bewilderment. He isn't suppose to have any kind of meetings with the Giglio nero until next week so why is Gamma here? Before he could ask, he is stopped by Gamma's weird request.

'I wish not to disrespect the Don of Vongola but I want to know where Princess has gone. She was suppose to attend a meeting here and she hasn't come back since. You better tell me what the heck is going on!'.

'You mean Uni is missing? Now that I think about it, Reborn is missing too'. Panic fill his being. Shakily, he fish his phone and dialed a number he knows. It takes awhile before the caller form the other side picks up.

'Hello. Basil. Is Collonello and Lal back at CEDEF?'.

'No. Aren't they at your place Sawada-dono?'. That's more than enough ring for him to know that all of the arcobalenos are missing. Tsuna ends the call, 'I'm sorry Gamma. We don't know where Uni and the rest are. Aria will you please escort this man outside.'

'Yes, boss'. Gamma didn't argue much when Tsuna literally kick him out of the mansion. He could see that Vongola is having a problem of it's own. But he didn't leave quietly, turning his head he muttered the last message Uni had entrust him with. Upon hearing the advice, Aria sprint into Tsuna's room. Breathlessly, she tells him to call all the remaining guardians to be in the office as soon as possible. Ten minutes later, all the guardians present are together. Seeing their boss so distraught cause them to feel anxious. Just when the atmosphere is tense.Soichi burst into the room. His face ghastly pale, his hair disheveled. With battered breath he deliver a news that made all of them froze. Froze in fear. The news must have been a big shock to all of them, they're barely standing. Tsuna took it worst, he collapse. They tries to shake it off by tending to their sick boss but the words keep ringing in their ears.

'Nanimori was attacked'.

Haru scroll through her gallery. Currently, she's sitting at an aloof corner of a cafē. Hana had told her to reserve a place for both of them there since her shift ends a little later so she can't cook dinner whilst Haru is too lazy to cook so she blindly agree to the idea. Now, she's starting to regret it. If only she had read the name of the cafē.

Pasta di Italia was frequently visited by her friends back in the days. Having her dinner there arouse a mixed feeling, making her lose her appetite . To distract herself from it, she continues to scroll down the gallery, not realizing her black haired friend who just arrive. Hana has just finish her work, she run her way to the cafē for god sake but Haru didn't even sense her presence.

'You really miss them don't you'.

'Hahi...!', Hana sudden 'greeting' scare the wits out of her making the phone in her hand fall with a loud clank. Thank god it isn't broken. Putting it safely in her bag, Haru sent the latter a death glare.

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