Chapter 3. Screw Limits

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Ruwa woke up with a jolt of fear, breathing hard as she looked around her room with a panicked expression before sighing and falling back onto her bed. She gazed up at her ceiling as her thoughts wandered to her nightmare just now, she had just happened to remember a 'fun' time with her previous life's father. She huffed, she also missed the actual fun times she had with Yusuke as well, even if he was an idiot. Yusuke was her only friend back in her old world, as Kira she was always known as the intelligent otaku. Now though she only had her papa, Garp, since her shit brother was off destroying things like a total badass. With a relaxed sigh she hauled herself off the bed, deciding it was probably best to get up and ready for the long day of training she would have to endure. Not that she was complaining or anything, she wanted to get stronger, needed to, in fact, or she would be swept away by the cruel harshness of the new world she coveted. When she was finally dressed, she wore a plain dry fit dark teal t-shirt and black cargo-style shorts that came to her knees, hair pulled up in a simple spiky ponytail, her bangs framing her face. Upon departing her room she walked to the kitchen and saw a note placed around a packaged gift, "Hey spiky brat, it's papa, I forgot something and will be back in a few hours. I found these while on my travels around the grand line, learn swordsmanship. - Papa." She read aloud with a sweat drop before seeing some more writing at the bottom, "P.S. The Nodachi is Tsuchi no kujaku which is a Saijō Ō Wazamono and the other is called Hōsenka and is a Ō Wazamono." She spoke before turning to the cloth wrapped swords and opened the wrapped cloth to find the black hilt of the first sword. When Ruwa fully uncovered the sword she was awed by the sight of the elegant Nodachi, "Tsuchi no kujaku, Earthen Peacock..." She said the Nodachi's name as she pulled the great sword from its sheath examining the long blade. It was a beautiful Sword with a purple and pink sheath, the thing that stuck out the most would have to be the pink and white feather that hung from the tip of the hilt. Sheathing Tsuchi no kujaku she moved the cloth to see a smaller sword, a katana. Grabbing the katana she pulled it out of its sheath coming face to face with a slightly red tinted blade, "your name is Hōsenka meaning Phoenix sage Fire."

'What an interesting find papa...' She thought as she gazed at the two japaneses swords in wonder. Shaking her head from her wandering thoughts as grabbed both of the swords, Tsuchi (Because let's face it Tsuchi no kujaku is an awesome name but it's also a super long ass name as well) being the one to give her slight trouble with its weight. She knew that with her current strength as it was she would only hinder herself in any actual combat, she would have to build up her strength and endurance along with her speed. Yep, Speed was definitely key. Sighing at all the work that needed to be done she decided to check out her Soul Tree and see if anything had changed.

The Soul Tree

Lvl: 5
Strength: +100 power
- Amaterasu (Heavenly Illumination) - the ability to produce and manipulate the strongest flames known to the earth. [Ability Locked]
- Raimei (Flashing Thunder) - the ability to produce and manipulate Lightning [Ability Unlocked]
Conjure: [+1 Available]
Exp: 250/250

"Eh?" She blinked upon seeing that the stages to level up her Soul Tree had been met and that she could conjure to get another ability. "Ehhhhhhhhh?!" She freaked out, "I train, and train and train, and nothing happens, but when I get two swords from Papa the conditions to nurture my soul tree are automatically met!!! Just— What the hell?!" She ranted for a few minutes as she swung the two swords around angrily which is quite a feat for using one hand to hold Tsuchi.

"Grrrr! Papa you stupid idiot!!!" She screams in frustration. When Ruwa finally stops swinging her swords around and ranting she inhails a great amount of air just to release it with a long sigh, "Dammit! That got me nowhere..." she looked back towards her Soul Tree which was still present and hit the Accept button to go to the next level, this caused the appearance of the seedling to flash red and change into a small plant with two leaves instead of one.

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