Chapter 8. Rewards of Training

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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading and giving feedback I really appreciate it, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and continue to do so for future chapters coming out. Like and comment if you do, sorry if you don't.
With luv,
Tiger 🌺💜

"Bwahahahaha!!! Your going to knock them out spiky brat!" Laughed Garp as he watched the destruction of the training grounds happen before him. She was dangerous alright, and definitely ready to go against most people from the north blue at least. She was a spit fire just like the rest of her family, even her lazy cousin was already making a name for himself, Kuroshika, in the North Blue. Ironic but undoubtedly the title suited him, a black deer. Ryoka was seen attacking a number of big targets in the North Sea, such as Sheepshead from the Yonkō Kaidō's crew and Diamanté from Doflamingo's crew. But if anyone had the right to kick his ass it would have to be Ruwa's, so she laid claim to kicking Doflamingo's ass. So Ryoka couldn't do anything but dodge if Doflamingo ever outright attacked him. Likewise Ryoka expected Ruwa to bitch slap Akainu into a coma if he ever touched her, but he didn't want her to kill him, that was his only wish. Ruwa was strong now, she could at least leave a dent in Akainu if she wanted, break an arm or two maybe. However, a dent wouldn't stop a power hungry bastard like Akainu if he was dead set on something. It wasn't only Ryoka who worries for her but also Garp as well. He was still unsure if she was entirely ready.

Lvl: 50
Strength: +1,000 power
- Amaterasu (Heavenly Illumination) - the ability to produce and manipulate the strongest flames known to the earth. [Ability Unlocked]
- Raimei (Flashing Thunder) - the ability to produce and manipulate Lightning [Ability Unlocked]
- Neko Neko no mi, Moderu: Byakko (Cat Cat fruit, Model: White Tiger) - The ability to transform, half transform, or use any traits of your chosen zoan fruit animal. In this case it's the White Tiger of the West. A mythical Zoan. [Ability Unlocked]
*Hyoko (Ice Tiger) - creates a cluster of ice tigers that will attack a set opponent and won't stop unless told not to
*Sensatsu Suishō (A Thousand Needles of Death) - the ability to make/control a Thousand of controlled ice senbon
- Gyaku gurippu kaiten (Reverse Grip Rotation) - users holds right sword backhanded with the blades facing out and behind user instead of in front of them. Gives the users the ability to utilize fast spinning attacks, Strong enough to cut a titan [Ability Unlocked]
- Senbonzakura (Thousand cherry blossoms) - The ability to disperse your sword into thousands of razor sharp blades that are shaped as Sakura petals/blossoms.
• Shikai: Senbonzakura, to activate use the command "Chire" (Scatter) [Ability Unlocked]
• Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi [Ability Locked]
Conjure: [ + 2 Available]
Exp: 2, 060/2,500

She had acquired a mythical zoan devil fruit that gave her the ability to manipulate and create ice as well as transform into one of the four great Chinese constellations, Byakko. even though the fruit wasn't exactly like the legend, she still found that she had a powerful mythical zoan devil fruit that she ate. The funny thing is that as she had conjured the devil fruit, Ryoka did a similar thing and got a mythical zoan devil fruit as well. Ryoka got Seiryū, another of the four great Chinese constellations. While she got ice based attacks and logia powers, Ryoka had gotten water based attacks and logia powers. It was sure an interesting fight when the two had sparred against each other before he had been shipped out to North Blue. They had both fought pretty evenly with Ryoka coming out victorious because of his prior experience as a shinobi and his more cultivated abilities that he had gotten from coming to this world a year earlier. Ruwa was still unable to use the bankai release form of Senbonzakura unlike her cousin who had managed to get it down to a science within a few months of being gifted with the ability. It slightly infuriated her to know that she was still trailing behind her older cousin who she saw as an older brother and friend but she got over it when she remembered that she had grasped the use of her devil fruit quite easily while he had struggled. It was a few hours before her exam but Ruwa was getting some last minute training in by sparring against Garp. She wasn't allowed to use her swords, Devil fruit, Fūinjutsu, or Rokushiki.

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