Chapter 4- The Comfort and Silence Turns To Panic Once Again

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hey guys heres another chapter from the wonderful kiera!

she was awesome and got her chapter to me tonight instead of tomorrow


ok i hope you guys enjoy it and have an awesome night!




I was seriously starting to worry. He wouldn't answer his phone or reply to my texts. It'd been a good six hours since the last time I heard from him. Now some may call me an obsessive girlfriend but when he didn't respond right away something had to be wrong. I seriously was in a state of panic myself. As I paced my room, I thought of ways to calm myself down. 'Maybe he just isn't feeling well and is sleeping, or maybe he isn't home and his phone is dead.' I thought to myself. I sighed softly as I fell back onto my bed. This bed was the where I knew the boy I was now dating is the man I want to say 'I do' too. I sighed contently, remembering our night together. As I smiled, closing my eyes the vibration of my phone made me jump up, running to my dresser and unplugging the white iPhone.

"Hello?!" I answered, not even seeing who was calling. I just silently prayed it was Tj.

"Misty? It's Ari." My smile broke. Ari was Tj's sister who was a year younger than me. Normally she hated me. Something had to be wrong for her to call me.

"Ari?! What's going on?! Is Tj alright?!" I asked, the panic in my voice obvious.

"Just get over here soon he needs you." She told me before hanging up. 'Oh no, not another attack.' I thought, slipping on a worn out pair of all back Vans and running downstairs.

"Misty!" Dad's voice rang, "where are you going in such a hurry?"

"To the Gaskarth's house dad. I've got to hurry..." I mumble the last part. I swear dad picks the worst times to talk to me.

"But Misty! You're ALWAYS there!" Dad complained. I sighed to myself, boy this man...

"Dad seriously I need to go. Rue has some stuff for me." I lie, hoping it's convincing. Dad runs a hand through his dyed dark brown, almost black, hair frowning.

"I wanted to spend time with my baby though!" He whined. 'How does mom put up with you? Seriously!' I think, silently laughing at my thoughts.

"Can't dad, sorry. Gotta jet!" I say and with that I run as fast as I can outside. I grab the first thing I see, which is unfortunately my old rusted blue and pink bike. I glance around. 'Damnit,' I think, 'my boards' upstairs.' I sigh, hopping into the bike and riding it the seven blocks east to the house of the boy I love.


Now when Tj has his panic attacks, he tends to...hurt himself. Normally, it'll be with a knife or a razor. He'll just cut. I don't know how many times I've had to stop him before the blade would get to his skin. I seem to be the only one who can calm him down as his attacks rise to their high point. I guess this can be seen as good and bad in some eyes.

As I get to the house, I can see the door is open and nobody's home. 'Nice Ari, way to leave your brother to suffer.' I think, getting off the bike and running inside as fast as my legs can go.

"TJ?!" I yell, looking around the first floor of the house. I stay silent for just a moment, hearing the panicked screams from the room above, Tj's room. I sprint up the stairs, going to the door down the hall. "TJ!" I scream again. I go to turn the door handle but of course, it's locked. I ran into the door with my shoulder. "TJ! If you can hear me please open the door!" I begged from my side, praying that he was still alive. Nothing. I start to panic even more than I already am, remembering that I have a way into his room. I back away from the door and pull a bobby pin from my dyed auburn hair, slowly and carefully, picking the lock. As soon as I hear the click sound I open the door and lying there, curled up with a blade in his hand is my Tj. I swallowed back tears, slowly walking towards him.

"Tj?" I whispered, bending down at his side. Gently I place a hand on his shoulder. This causes him to bolt up. I give him a soft, reassuring smile to comfort him. He gives me a look, but not the look of a crazy person; it's the look of a lost puppy who's scared out of his mind.

"Misty?" He manages to say in just the softest whisper. I nod, stroking his cheek gently, shushing him. He starts to shake a little, holding up his left arm, covered in blood and cuts. I wince at the sight, slowly standing and helping him up. I take his hand in mine careful of his cuts, and bring him to the bathroom to wash his arm. He stands there the whole time I wash him up. He stood silently the whole time I dried his arm off and he didn't speak a word as I bandaged his cuts.

"There." I whisper, kissing each Band-Aid. "No more cuts in sight." I say to myself. Tj just gives me a look that he doesn't know what to do next and frankly, neither do I. The next few words he spoke took me by surprise.

"Please, don't let me go."

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