Chapter 5- I'd Cross The Whole World For Someone Like you

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 hello people

new chapter i hope you kiddos enjoy it



          As the sun began to set I began to scurry around faster than I had been before. I was making things up to Misty for scaring her like I had. I owed her this. I grabbed the extension cord from the back porch and plugged it into the christmas lights I had wrapped around the big oak tree in my backyard. The whole yard lit up with beautiful lights since the oak trees’ branches spread over a big portion of the yard. I padded over to a small table that I had set for two under the tree with candles lit in the middle and for drinks I had Arnold Palmer for Misty and a Red Bull for me. As for our appetizers we had salt and vinegar chips, which were favorite but I found horribly disgusting, and french fries, my strange addiction. I smiled proudly as I gazed over the scene. I was doing good, so far so great. I sniffed the air as the aroma of melting cheese and tomato sauce filled the air. Ledo’s Pizza all the way from Chicago was being reheated in the oven at the moment. I had got my ‘Uncle’ Pete, from the single and best band ever, Fall Out Boy, to drive the pizza up to us. It was Misty’s most favorite food on the planet and she would never ask for anything more. I heard the doorbell ring from inside the house and saw over the fence that Misty’s brother, Shane was pulling out of the driveway in his car. He was obviously dropping Misty off and picking my Ari up for a date since he was dating her.

          “I’ll get it!!” I heard my 12 year old sister, Scout say loudly in a sing songy voice as she skipped down the stairs and to the door. I ran in and threw Scout over my shoulder.

         “No you won’t” The doorbell rang again and I chuckled softly. “IT’S OPEN, WAIT IN MY ROOM I’LL BE RIGHT BACK!” I promised as I heard the front door open and Misty’s footsteps headed in the direction of my room. I carried Scout to her room and set her on her feet.

          “Okay, you are going to stay in here and be quiet and not come outside or bug me and Misty,” I ordered and she made a grossed out face.

         “Are you guys gonna fuck?” She asked and I hit her head gently.

         “Don’t swear like that!” I told her, responsibly and she just shook her head and kept that grossed out face on.

        “Are you guys going to fuck???” She asked again and I smirked.

         “Yes we are going to make passionate love. Oh,. and remember that my room is right by yours so you might need ear plugs for the night if you want any sleep because things can get pretty loud. especially when I-” I was cut off as a pillow got hurled towards my face. I ducked just in time and it hit the door behind me. I laughed as Scout covered her ears.

             “EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!” She shrieked as she sent yet another pillow flying my way. I just walked out of the room and into my room where Misty was patiently waiting, sitting on my bed. She looked up at me and those beautiful eyes of hers met mine and nearly took my breath away.

          “What did you do to that poor girl?” She laughed a bit as she pointed to the wall that was separating me and Scouts’ room.

          “What? Nothing” I lied as I walked over to my closet and changed into a button down shirt from my old band tee.

          “Obviously you did. She’s screaming ew over and over again” I just shrugged and took her hands.

          “I have a surprise for you” I whispered as my lips brushed against hers. She giggled and stood up.

         “Oh really now?” I gave her a slight nod and lead her out of my room and down the stairs, then into my backyard. When she saw what I had done she gasped at the sight.”Tj you did this for me?” She asked in a soft, angelic voice. I just pulled her chair out for her and once she sat back down, I pushed it back in. Then I jogged to the kitchen and turned on the stereo. There were speakers on the outside of the house so she could hear the music. It was a playlist of her favorite love songs. I grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the pizza from the oven and took 4 slices, 2 for each of us, and carried it out. As soon as she could smell the pizza she turned and looked at me and beamed.

              “LEDO’S?!?!” She looked at me with wide eyes. ”That's like, 14 hours away from here,” she stated in awe. ”You drove from Bayside to Chicago??” I nodded then shook my head.

“I drove half way, Uncle Pete met me the other half” I explained and she nodded, taking a bite and looking around the back yard.

         'It's beautiful out here Tj... you did all this for me? Why?” I blushed at her reaction and shrugged.

“I wanted to make it up to you...” She looked at me like I had lost my mind and raised an eyebrow.

“For what?” She asked as she took another bite of her pizza, followed by a gulp of her Arnie Palmer.

“..My... my attack..” I muttered sheepishly as I quickly shoved my mouth full with a bite of pizza so i couldn't talk much for a while. She looked up at me and frowned and reached over and slid her tiny hand into mine.

“Sweetie it wasn't your fault, I know that,” she said softly and kissed my hand. I swallowed my food and nodded a little bit .

“I guess...” I say, still in a mumble. She finished her pizza and rose from her seat, pulling me inside. ”What are we doing?” I asked and she looked back at me and kissed me quickly.

“Just come on.” She lead me to my room and pushed me so I was laying back on the bed. She laid down right beside me and cuddled her body close to mine. “I love you and i don't care if you have attacks because I can help you,” she started to say as she took her pointer finger and traced circles around my chest. I moved so my arm was around her shoulders and she rested her head on my shoulder, smiling up at me. “I want to be with you even if it does mean I have to put up with a few attacks. That’s life. I love you and that's all there is too it,” and with those words I felt stronger, prouder, and happier than any other guy in the world.

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