Chapter 17-Cause I've never loved anything like I love you

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yeah guys i finally updated

be looking forward to more updates soon



~Unedited Version

will be edited on a later date~

I sighed as i sat backstage at a small venue in seattle and tried to call misty again before i went on. we agreed we would try to keep us together as i toured but i only had one chance to make up for being such a douchebag when i got home the first time. i sighed as she didn't pick up and listened to Calli who was on stage singing one of her love songs that seemed just so sweet but i knew that Calli as a person wasn't so sweet.She was actually very rude to people who weren't me.She needed to learn how to lay off. she was talented though, i had to admit. but i would much rather have it b e misty singing a silly love song she wrote about me on that stage. i sighed as i dropped my phone in my pocket.The sound guy walked up to me and smiled slightly at me.

“This is callie’s last song then its all you, we just have to have a set change and take her stuff off stage . you only need your guitar right?”

I gave him a nod and he headed off. I would have my band play with me tonight but the venue was small and i didnt wanna waste stage time by doing a huge set change. I sighed softly as i tried calling misty one last time.i knew she was still mad at me , but i was so awful to her i didn't blame her. i was surprised she forgave me at all.


I walked up to the barakat house once again with a knot in my stomach.  i was leaving for tour in nearly hours and i hadent talked to Misty since she left at the air port. i would have come sooner, i really would have but my parents were just to busy fussing over me and asking about how my time was. i wanted to get away from thrm though, i needed to see misty. dont get me wrong, i love my parents. I mean my dad is alex fucking gaskarth and my mom is probably the sweetest woman ever but they were sufocating me. I walked into the house like i always did since i saw that jack and Auntie toby were not home. I walked up to her room and opened the door.

“GET OUT!!” her voice yelled, it was thick with emotion. I just kept walking into her room and sat on the end of her bed where she was curled up.

“Baby...” i whispered. she looked up at me with hurt eyes. she was bundled up inmy a day to remember hoodie and had tear stains down her face.

“Get out, i don't ever want to see you, not ever” she said coldly. i sighed softly and looked at her “It’s only 3 months..”I whispered. she sat straight up and stared me in the eyes with her piercing blue orbs of eyes.

“No tj . you were in the hospital for 5 fucking weeks and i get that you were sick. you then broke up with me over a fies! then you went away to school for 6 months!now youre leaving me! you know what? recently it seems like you cant stand being around me” she snapped. I frowned and moved her hair from her face.

“It’s not like that and you know it” i said . she nodded slowly and sighed

“ I just miss you... can you blame me!? and to have you come home with that bitch at your side only made it fucking worse. i wanted it to just be me and you again. tj and misty taking on the world. not tj taking on the world and leaving his little girlfriend behind” i couldn't believe she was thinking like this because she knew i would never do something like that for her. i just wanted to be a musician. change lives. do all the amazing shit my dad did. i didn't want to hurt my baby though.

“I promise you that after this tour, you’ll come with me on every tour i do” I promised. she stared at me with doubt “don't look at me like that” I held out my hand “pinky promise”  slowly, she reached her hand out to mine and wrapped her tiny pinky around my hand, a small smile growing on her lips.

End of Flashback

I sighed as i was told i was supposed to go on stage. i put on a smile though since this was it. i was finally touring. i was finally living the life i wanted . but one major thing was missing, and that was my misty. she was suppose to be here, by my side. she should be holding my hand and being my merch girl. she’s suppose to be giving death glares to every 13 year old girl who says they want to marry me.  things didn't seem right without her here.but i had to hold it together, i needed to keep smiling because i knew thats what she’d want me to do. I walked out on stage and picked my guitar up from its place and threw it over my shoulder and smiled.

“how you guys doing tonight??” i asked , the crowd of the small fanbase i had formed cheered and screamed. one girl shouted out

“I love you tj!!” on the top of her lungs. i chuckled softly .

“and i love you too” i said to the faceless voice.  After a few more minutes of talking a finally opened with my first single i released. I only had one EP out so all my songs took up about 35 minutes but i had  45 minutes of stage time. i thought for a moment. i didn't expect to come up short with time but i did. i raked my mind for another song. then it hit me. one of the songs that reminds me of misty the most.

“you guys mind if i do a cover for you guys?” their response was cheers and loud approvals. i grinned “great, sing along if you know it “ i said and started playing and singing Mona Lisa by the summer set. the lyrics fit so perfectly on how i felt about my baby girl.

‘Girl, I'd steal the Mona Lisa

But I know I wouldn't keep her

Cause I'll wake up next to you everyday

I'd buy the Taj Mahal

Never visit it at all

If that's the only price I gotta pay

Cause I've never loved anything like I love you

I'd go and catch the moon

And I'd drag it down to you

But I know that you'd be brighter anyway

I'd walk the whole Great Wall

And every brick I'd count 'em all

Then I'd start over the next day

Cause I've never loved anything like I love you

Like I love you

Like I love you

Turn out every light in New York City

I'd still be blind if you weren't with me

You're the only one who opens up my eyes

Cause I've never loved anything like I love you

Like I love you

Like I love you

Girl, I'd steal the Mona Lisa

But I know I wouldn't keep her

Cause I'll wake up next to you everyday’

Later that night i arrived at my bus after the signing and hanging out with fans. i yawned tiredly and fell onto the seat and groaned  with exhaustion. Calli walked in after me and sat by me “hometown show for you tomorrow night tj, you excited? its been a month since you've been home” I sat straight up and looked at her

“what? where are we playing?” I asked with my eyebrows pursed together. she looked at my like i was an idiot.

“we have a home show tomorrow.. back in new york” before she could finish i jumped to my feet and grabbed my phone, running to find  a private spot to call Misty to tell her the news.

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