Chapter 9-How'd I Ever Breathe Without A Goodnight Kiss

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Five weeks. Five fucking weeks. I know I told Misty it would be easy but this is the hardest thing I've ever been through. I sit in my room all alone, day and night as I wait for these horrible weeks to pass. I've averaged to about five attacks a day. Four of them usually aren't that bad, but there’s always that one that makes me want to kill myself and scream.

Finally it was the last day. My last day in this hell hole. Misty and my mom were coming to pick me up and I was more excited then I had been in a while. Excited to see my mom, excited to get fresh air, excited to see the sun, excited to get real food, sleep in my own bed, play video games, go to the mall; and most of all, excited to see my Misty. I waited patiently for them to arrive. I had ran my hands through my hair about a million times in attempt to comb it too look at least a little bit nicer for seeing Misty. I stood up and straightened my shirt and skinny jeans and pulled on my hoodie. I had finally got my clothes back from the nurses . My new nurse, Gloria, who was also Misty’s old nurse walked in and gave me a bright, cheery smile.

“Getting ready to see Miss Barakat today?” I nodded eagerly.

“I have too look perfect for her, it’s been over a month! Do I look ok?” I asked with a grin. Gloria nodded. She was kind of like a second mom to me now. She would come keep me company on days when I was lonely or crying and missing my Misty. She was such a sweet older lady. She walked over and smoothed my hair down.

“You look like yourself, happy,” she smiled and I nodded.

“Cause I am.” I chuckled. She headed to the door with a smile on her face but turned back and looked at me.

“Oh by the way Misty and your mom are waiting for you in the lobby, they told me to tell you to hurry up, or as Misty said it ‘you needa hurry your pretty little ass to the lobby so she can kiss your face.’” She said as a look crossed her face telling me that my girlfriend didn't say that very sweet and more as a threat. I laughed and grabbed my backpack of things and walked out with Gloria to the lobby where I was instantly tackled in an amazing hug. I couldn't see for a while but I could tell by the perfume it was Misty. I could tell since I’d gotten her the perfume for her birthday. I smiled and spun her around, making her squeal.

“BABY!!!” She laughed and slid out of my arms and kissed all over my face. I just laughed and pulled her closer to me, kissing her lips passionately.

“How’s my favorite girl??” I asked as I kissed her head. She just clung to me with no intentions of letting go. I smiled and we both walked to the car with my mom. On the car ride home my mom babbled on and on about all that happened. That my little brother Eden had gotten into the private school he wanted too, and my sister Rue was doing better, since she has had medical problems. She’s had them since we were little but now she’s recovering. I wasn't really listening, I was cooing over Misty, kissing her head over and over but then my mom said something that caught me off guard.

“Oh and your little sister, Arizona, she’s pregnant.” I gasp softly and look up at my mom who was still staring at the road and humming softly to herself.

“What?!” I ask in a shocked tone with a frown and looked at Misty. “Was it your brother?” She nodded, laughing a bit at something I didn’t understand yet.

“Mhm! He poked his little dick up her without a rubber.” I made a grossed out face.

“Ew Misty!!” I shook my head. My mom laughed at Misty.

“He gave her love without a glove!” My mom blurted. Misty burst out laughing and I looked between them with wide eyes.

“You guys are gross! She’s 15! Guys eww! Ewwwwwww!” I made a face of disgust and shook my head, sitting back in my seat. Misty pecked my cheek with a giggle. The rest of the car ride home was semi normal, just talking and rocking out to Fall Out Boy on the radio. When we arrived at home both Misty and I jogged upstairs. I changed my clothes into something clean quickly and she plopped on my bed.

“So how was the last five weeks without me?” She asked, tilting her head a bit. I laughed dryly and look back at her.

“Are you really asking that? It was awful! I missed my baby.” She frowned and hugged me once I laid by her.

“I missed you too silly boy.” She smiled and laid her head on my chest once we were both comfy. “Did your attacks get any better?” She asked. I shrugged softly, knowing that they only got worse but I didn't want her to feel bad.

“Yeah a bit, they narrowed down to less a day.” I lied and kissed her head. She beamed and at that moment i don't know if I had ever seen her happier. It wasn't that big of a lie, was it? I pushed the thought away and smiled “So how have you been?”

“Awful..” she started and continued with telling me with all that went on. She had just about as bad of a time as I did. We talked for hours and hours just laying in my bed. By midnight she was curled up asleep at my side wearing one of my t shirts for Breathe Carolina. I closed my eyes slowly after planting one last long kiss on her head.

“Goodnight beautiful, sleep well my sweet girl.” I whispered and drifted off into the first peaceful night of rest I’d had for over five weeks.

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