Chapter 14 - Find The Twinkle In Your Smile, Chase It On Until Morning

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okay so this chapter is more like a filler

with a few flashbacks, so sorry if it's confusing. again, it's a filler.

also, i apologize for this taking so long. i just started school so...

love you all! c:


- kiers


So now here Tj and I are.

We're back together. It's been about a two and a half months. In those months we have, we've had a few obstacles and fun times. My dad hasn't been too thrilled. That was our first obstacle.


"Misty...he's going to kill me." Tj told me in a panicked voice. I shook my head, taking his slightly shaking hand in mine.

"Tj...come on now, I promise it'll be alright. The worst he can be is mad." I reassured him, giving him a small smile. He just shook his head, starting to shake more.

"Mist what if...what if he tries to take you away from me? What if he hates me so much, he wants to make me suffer? What if h-"

"Thomas Jacob Gaskarth!" I snapped. He jumped a little bit, making me frown. "Sorry, but you need to calm the hell down! He isn't going to send me away, my mom won't let him. As I said, the worst he can be is mad." I told him sternly, but in a gentle tone. That seemed to get the idea through his thick skull, because he nodded. I smiled, leaning in and placing one single, soft kiss on his lips. After about five seconds, I pulled back. "Now come on, we have to tell him."

"Alright..." He finally agreed, gripping my hand a bit tighter as we walked downstairs from my room.

"Dad?!" I yelled, leading Tj down behind me.

"In here Mist!" Dad yelled back from in the kitchen. I kissed Tj's cheek one last time before walking into our kitchen with him at my side. Dad looked up from his bowl of cereal, glaring at Tj immediately. I frowned a little.

"Dad...hear us out." I started to say in a calm voice. Dad just shook his head, standing up.

"No! No way! Misty look what he did to you before! He's going to do it again! You can't trust boys! I don't want him near you! You know how much better you could do?" Dad replied in a harsh voice. Tj tensed up, causing me to as well.

"Dad...please. H-He makes me happy. Isn't that all that matters, is your daughters' happiness?" I asked with a small smile.

"Misty this isn't some cliche romance movie! This is lift and you need to stop thinking he's right for you." Dad spat. I winced at his words.

"U-Uncle Jack..." Tj spoke up in a weak voice. I could tell he was trying to carefully choose his words. "I-I know you don't like me right now, I know what I did was really bad but I just have this love for Misty. It's like how you love Auntie Tobie. Doesn't her friend Travis always butt in on your marriage? Doesn't he try and get with Aunt Tobie? Does she let what Travis does influence her love for you? No. So please, if you really love Misty, which I know you do, you shouldn't butt into our relationship. Yes, I know you're her dad but, I can promise right here that I won't ever hurt her again." He finished, standing tall and confident. I smiled up at him, before looking at my dad. He was speechless. This was one of the rare occasions he was.

"Well then.." Dad's voice trailed off, "I guess then I have no choice. Don't mess up again Tj." Dad told him. Tj nodded. I smiled wide at the both of them, before looking up at my dad.

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