Blog: Single Life For Me

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Dear faithful readers. I am here for you once again as a single woman to guide you through your 20's. It's easy enough for me to say being single is amazing, but you have to believe it. Just like Tinker Bell who will die without the applause, you must applause yourself. 

Every day I wake up in my amazing apartment that I live in by myself and thank God that I get to enjoy the journey that is single life. Obviously, I do not want you to throw away opportunities that will make you happy, that is the major theme of this Blog, but do not settle if you are not sure. There is never a time in your life where settling should be tolerated. Be your best self, your happiest self, before you are a couple.

There is no greater power than self-understanding and self-worth and most people will not find that in a relationship. For those who claim to have, I hope you are right. Through my 24 years on this planet, no man has ever gotten the me that I see in the mirror every morning. The me that puts herself into this blog. The me that is beautiful without makeup or flashy clothes. The me who stays home on a Saturday night to watch horror movies with a platter of cookies. 

When you are ready for love it will find you, but don't search for it. Search for you. Here are some things to do over the weekend if to help find yourself.

1. Take a walk in the park. No cell. No music. Just me, myself, and I.
2. Clean your house/car/closet, whatever. A clean space leads to a clear mind.
3. Write a letter to yourself 10 years from now. Tell yourself how you plan to be happy. Make yourself reasonable and extravagant goals. 
4. Meditate or work out for at least 30 mins every day. You will feel so accomplished and your body and mind will feel healthier.
5. Prep your lunches/dinners for the week. You'll have less to worry about in the morning, therefore making it better. 
6. Buy one splurge this month. Something that you want instead of need. 

As always, have a glorious week and I will see you next time with more adventures of the adulting life. 

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