Blog: Home Alone

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Hello loyal readers.

After a long week of working and tricking a man into loving me, I finally got a night home to myself. Here are 5 things I do everytime I get the luxury of being alone. 

1. Dance! 

It's great exercise and gives me an excuse to listen to all the 90's/00's pop I get judged for listening to by my Best Friend. 

2. Bubble Bath. 

A long soak in a tub with a good book and a cup of tea. I finally bought bath bombs and they are pretty much the most amazing things ever. 

3. Sit on my balcony. 

Usually only at sunrise or sunset. I love watching the sky change colors and the smells of morning dew or the winds that kick the leaves around at night. Plus, the trees in the courtyard just below me have started to change colors. 

4. Yoga

I put on soothing music and just let go of every bit of tension. I stop hearing my mothers nagging, my friends complaints, and my own self-doubt. 

5. Nap.

It's something I don't get to do often. I have maybe one real day off every two weeks. One where I don't have to make plans with anybody or work. Most nights I manage 5-6 hours sleep, and those are the good nights. 

It's been a hard week for me. As most of you know I am seeing my ex again for an... experiment might be the best word. It's taken a lot out of me, and my day of blissful solitude has helped bring me back to center. Hope this helps for your stress filled days. 

Turning Tables ---Going Under Construction---Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora