Blog: How To Live Through A Breakup

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Hello, my loyal readers. This has been a topic I have been meaning to talk about for some time now, but as with most people, it's more difficult than you think it will be at first. I put my fingers to the keyboard and I just don't know what to say, and here's why. No one can get you through a broken heart but you. Although I can try to give you some pointers. 

1. Cry. 

That was really hard for me because I like to think that nothing gets to me, that I am invincible. But it comes to hit you full force one way or another, might as well get ahead of it. 

2.Cut out the negatives.

Mostly I'm talking about all the negative people. There are some people who are not equipt for what you are going through and people who don't care. Youll knows them quite quickly. Don't place blame, but don't let negativity into your life. 

Something else is the memories. You can't get rid of those but you can remove the things that bring them up. Get rid of the bear he gave you on your first valentines day and the watch she gave you for your birthday. you cant move on when it's in your life. 

3. Change your look.

It is a freeing experience. Dye your hair, pierce something, revamp your wardrobe, redecorate your apartment. Anything that will make you feel in control. 

4. Block the ex!

This part takes willpower people. Block them on every site that you can. Do not let them contact you. If you want to retain a friendship, you have to let them know that it will be at a future date. The first few months are crucial. Every message sends you deeper down the rabbit hole until you don't know which way is up.

5. Get some killer break up jams. 

Music heals the soul. No matter your favorite variety of music, from classical o metal, there is a perfect break up playlist for you. Belt your little heart out as you feel that pain. 

There are so many things that should be done. Travel, learn a new skill, meet new people, throw a party, have a stay-cation with friends. You need to find the best things in life that make you remember that you are a person to be valued and loved. 

Until next time my friends and fans. 

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