The Message

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Xander messaged me back almost immediately the night I added him on Facebook. It didn't take long before he invited me to a party at his place the following weekend. Sasha was especially excited and brought our friend Greg into the mix. He was meant to be the male perspective on my venture. They were going to come with me and coach me on getting Xander to fall for me. My 'resting bitch face' as they so lovingly put it, often scared people away.

"You have to be somewhere between aloof and alluring. Make him want it, make him need it," Greg emphasized. He was helping Sasha dig around in my closet for a sexy, yet understated look.

"What is 'it'?" I wondered, not liking the implications.

They ignored me. "It's all about the chase," Sasha pointed out, thinking about one of my red tank tops before throwing it in the no pile. "If it's too easy you will only be a one-night conquest in his mind."

The more they told me about what I would have to do to even make this work, the less I thought I could go through with it. Yes, it would make an amazing blog series, but was it worth putting myself through this?

A loud squeak sounded from my closet as Sasha come out with a low cut, black crop top I had worn to the one and only concert I had ever been to (Nickelback). Greg handed her a pair of skinny jeans and the outfit was set. 

Two hours later I was dressed, accessorized, and put in full make-up. "You're going to kill him tonight Jade." Greg had been my best friend since college and I trusted him with anything, especially since he has been the only guy to call me beautiful without wanting something in return. I knew with these two on my side I could get through whatever happened with Xander, good or bad. 

"Let's head out."


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We pulled up to the address Xander had texted me the night before. It wasn't hard to determine where the party was. About 20 cars were parked along the street and the front lawn was littered with people. The house was actually quite cute. A little one-story place with large windows that you could just watch the world outside. The outside was painted a soft blue to match the grey brick beneath it. It was a home I had always pictured owning. 

Greg parked the car as close as he could to the house and we started our walk up. It felt so much longer when I was trying to plan an array of outcomes before even talking to Xander. 

Speak of the Devil. At the front entrance of the house, I could see the distant brown waves rustling in the slight breeze. That was always the first thing I saw when we were in high school because it was usually the only thing I could see as he waded through the mobs. He would always find me though. Even when we first started dating he would show up in the halls to see me before classes. I thought It was true love. 

My heart skipped a beat as he wandered towards us, his closed mouthed smirk planted on his face. I kept my face as straight as I could. 

"Hey Jade, long time no see." His stare was so familiar I almost broke before I even opened my mouth. "Who did you bring with you?"

"Um," I stated, less confident than I had intended. "These are my friends, Greg and Sasha." He shook both of their hands. 

"Drinks are in the kitchen if you wanted to get a few. Hard liquor is in the living room."

With a sideways glance, Greg and Sasha slipped away to leave me alone with Xander. It was the point, for us to be alone. I just didn't think it would happen before I even reached the threshold. Trying to figure out how to not fidget with my hands was the hardest part. I couldn't look nervous or weak in front of this man. 

I had to get onto the flirty path. Making my voice a bit higher I asked, "Do I get a tour?"

His smile became a little less smirk and more genuine. He reached his hand out to me, smooth and strong, and pulled me into the house. It was more crowded than I had expected for a house party, a lot of the guests looked like gym bodies. I was completely out of my element. "Can I ask you something?" Xander spoke over the noise, but lead me down a quieter hallway. 

"What's that?"

We stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. I was hoping he wasn't going to try anything in the first minutes of us reconnecting. Not that any time would make me want that with him. "Why did you contact me?" 

Putting my game face back on I leaned into him, just close enough he could smell the specially chosen perfume, but not close enough to touch. "When I saw you in the bar, I remembered how good of friends we used to be. I missed that." It was vague but leading. "Why did you message me back?"

"I had forgotten how beautiful you were. I wanted to see you in person." He stared at me for a long moment before starting to lean in. I wasn't sure what to do with my next move, what would make it every contradictory thing Greg and Sasha told me to do. Then a voice came yelling down the hall. 

"Xander," the phantom voice called out. "We need you to set up the kegs."

He looked back at me. "I'll finish the tour up later. Why don't you go find your friends and I'll catch up to you."

I wandered down the hall and made my way to the kitchen for a drink. I grabbed a hard cider from the fridge and started working the top off. Someone started chuckling behind me and I almost dropped the bottle.

"Sorry," the guy laughed. "It's just... that's not a twist off." He pulled a lighter out of his pocket and offered his hand for the bottle. I handed it over. In one swift motion, the cap flew across the kitchen. 

He handed it back. "Thanks." 

The guy was fairly handsome. At least 6'2", deep green eyes, and dirty blonde hair that was just a bit too perfect. "Emmitt," he introduced himself. 


It was crazy how big he smiled. I wasn't used to people showing off their teeth. Maybe because it entails actually being a happy person. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Are you liking the party?"

I took a sip of my drink and nodded. "I was just looking to see where my friends ran off to. Xander was giving me a tour and we got separated."

"You know Xander?" 

"Yeah. We went to high school together." It looked like he was about to say something else when Sasha found me.

She started dragging me away before she could even start explaining why. 

"Sorry Emmitt, I'm being summoned."

He did a half bow as we left the room. "What the hell was that Sasha? I was talking to someone." 

Sasha found an empty bathroom and pulled me in after her. "Xander was asking Greg about you, seeing your status and everything." She whisper-screamed. By the end of the party, you could  have a real date with him and we can start 'Plan Heartbreak."

I gave her my most convincing encouraging look. It just seemed like it would all get harder instead of easier. "Let's go find Xander."

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