Blog: Two Men

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Hello my lovely readers,

In my venture to come back with my ex, I have discovered a new person. 

Never in my life have I regretted the teenager I was, though many think I should have. I had fun though, going on spontaneous, care-free adventures and living to be me. All of my decisions were at the drop of a hat and even the mistakes made me smile. Out there somewhere is a juvenile mug shot where I showed all my teeth to the camera.

I'm not the same person I once was though. I'm more guarded and jaded. Everything I do is picked through with a fine-toothed comb, especially in my dating life. Except with these two men. 

One reintroduced me to the person I once was. He brings me back to a time where I loved everything about myself when everyone around me was filled with doubts and woes. I don't have to worry about anything with him because he was the one I made all mistakes and triumphs with. Our past is what tore me in two though. 

The other man... He lifts me into a newer person. I want to be better and I feel freer when he's around. It isn't about making impulse decisions, just about making ones that make you happier. 

The fight between past, present and future is there for everybody I think. Is my past enough, am I making a happier present, and am I paving a way for a future I want. 

WIll the world ever feel simple?

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