Day of Rest

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My head was pounding when I woke up. As I let my eyes slowly open it was unclear where I was. That was always the scariest part of a waking up after binge drinking... Where am I? After a moment I was warranted panic I heard, "Good morning sunshine." 

It was Greg and I sighed with relief. I was asleep on his coach, the blackout curtains were drawn tight.  

"I made a lot of bacon and eggs. Would you like to fight your hangover with grease."

I couldn't sit up but I mumbled: "Yes, please God, yes." I am not a religious woman, but I know someone in the sky would shine upon me as I begged. Even God had to give to the non-believers. 

Greg put both a plate in front of me and I reached my hand down for a piece of bacon and the cup of coffee Greg had in his hands. "Why did I drink so much?"

Greg chucked a little. "That was a little bit Sasha's fault. She thought it would loosen you up, then Xander kept giving you drinks. I think Sash and you finished off a full bottle of tequila on your own."

That sounded about right. "You don't think I fucked anything up with Xander last night, do you. I'd hate for this wreck of a morning to mean nothing."

He shook his head and handed me more bacon. "If anything he got more plastered than you. I think he was crowned king of the headstand towards the end of the night." We both chuckled, but my head throbbed too hard to laugh too long. 

"What time is it?" I didn't want to stand but I knew soon I'd have to.

"10 am."

"Shit." I pulled myself into a sitting position and hoped I wouldn't puke. "Do you have aspirin?" 

"You don't have to leave yet."

I downed the rest of the coffee. "I have to meet my mom in an hour and I have to shower the stale sweat off of me." I didn't hate meeting up with my mom, but I think like most parents, she forgets that I am an adult who has been on her own for 5 years. "Can I shower here?"

"OF course, but I don't have any clothes for you." 

"I have extra work pant and a sweater in my car."

Greg stood up and took the dishes to the kitchen. "I'll go grab them. You get ready."


I walked into the local diner, sunglasses shading my sensitive eyes from the wall of windows that is most diners. The only solace was that the restaurant was quiet. My mom was in the back corner and waved me down once I walked in. Her hair silver-blonde hair was almost translucent in the sunlight, but that was the only thing that gave away her age. At 50 she had few wrinkles and a healthy weight. She worked out more than I did and ate a lot better too. 

"How is my girl?" She asked as I sat across from her. I looked at her a moment wondering what to say. I can image telling her about my vendetta would make her see me as more adult. 

"You know, just working and hanging out." I took my sunglasses off and I thought my eyes were going to explode. Just smile through the pain. 

"Are you seeing anybody," She asked as she waved a waitress over. 

That was usually one of her standard questions. 'Are you seeing anyone', 'Have you thought about going to work at dad's company', 'Do you need money'. All of which I answer the exact same way every month. "No mom."

The waitress came by and took our orders. We both ordered black coffee and toast. 

"You know, it wasn't something they had back when I was a kid, but I heard online dating is becoming very effective. Kendra's daughter is marrying someone she met on Kindle."

"Mom, Kindle is a reading app. I think you mean Tinder, and if you do I think Kendra's daughter might be in for a divorce in a few years."

Mom shot me a dirty look. "Don't you dare jinx that poor girl. She has bee so lonely since her break-up, she moved back in with Kendra for a year to recover."

 That was another thing my mom wanted. Most parents want their kids out of the house as soon as they can get paying jobs, but  my mom saw all the other peoples kids staying at home to 'save money' and 'get on their feet' she actually thought that she was putting me at risk of jeopardizing some multimillionaire future because I was paying rent at an apartment instead of freeloading off her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to jinx her." The waitress came back with our orders and I took a big gulp of the coffee. My headache was slowly fading, but my body still ached. "How's dad?" It was something I had to ask even though I knew it would lead to the next question.

"He's fine dear. We are actually thinking of taking a cruise over Christmas break. Your father has to figure out who will watch of the company while he's gone."

She gave me a look that she thought was subtle. "I'm sure that all the managers he has hired over the years will do perfectly fine at their jobs." My dad owned a construction company that he had started at when he was a teenager. He worked hard, saved enough money, made enough good investments that he was able to buy it. Ever since he has wanted to give it to me when he retires, but not until I learn the ropes. I have no intentions of doing so and that in itself has caused a rift between us. 

"Mom, I can't stay long. I have some errands to run before I work tonight. Can we have dinner next week or something?"I think she knew I was lying about why I wanted to go, but thinking about dad just frustrated me and I wanted to go before my hangover made me say something I couldn't take back. 

Her face fell a little. I felt bad because I wasn't able to make much time for her... or didn't try as hard to do it, but I did have two jobs and friends and a blog I was trying to make monetary. Plus, there were only so many times I could hear the same things over and over without wanting to run away screaming. 

"Of course we can sweetheart. Maybe your dad will come then as well."

"Perfect," I replied. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before moving back on to the streets. Sasha's house was only a few blocks away. I could probably ride out my hangover with her. 


"Not today Satan!" Sasha yelled when I knocked on her door.

"Sasha! Let me in"

I heard shuffling and probably mumbled cursing before the door swung open. "I hate you," She greeted.

"I could say the same." All the same, I handed her the Aspirin from my purse and she took it greedily. 

"Why are you even up at this time of day?" She asked as we moved on to her couch and turned the TV on low. 

"First off, it is noon. Second, I had to see my mom today."

The TV was switched to the Jerry Springer show, our guilty pleasure but she looked away from the screen and made a face of discomfort. "How did that go?"

"Same old same old. I don't think I'll get anything new until I'm the married, pregnant, and the new owner of Pierson Construction."

"That's some Girl Boss shit right their though. Pregnant CEO."

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