Blog: Seduction Techniques

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My sweet lovely readers,

If you have ever met me you will know that I am not the smoothest person in the world, so the 'get revenge on the ex' has come with many struggles. These are some things I have tried with our unnamed subject. 

1. Play with your hair - I've really never understood this, but apparently, female hair makes men think of fertility and sexuality. I'll find my sources later, but whatever the reason, it works. 

2. Bite your lips - Attracting their attention will make them almost need to kiss you. 

3. The power of touch - Close dancing, brushing his arm with your hand, touching his leg, etc. Anything that lets him know you cant keep your hands off him, even if it's an accident.  

4. Eye contact - Really your best tool. Women aren't the only people who want to think they are the only ones in the room. 

5. Be open - Be conscious of our body language. If your all crossed and closed off it lets know that you don't want them there, even if you do. 

6. Anticipation - Men are all basically still hunters at heart and if you are just ready to go, they won't work. It sounds bad, but you are their prize and they want to feel like they've won, not like the weird kid that got a participation trophy at the end of the game. 

7. ABC (Always be Confident) - Similar to what I said above. You are only the prize you think you are. Be an Oscar, not a Razzie. 

At the end of the day, all of this worked for me. Just make sure you stay yourself. That's important too... more important even. 

Until next time faithful readers. 

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