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Sasha had been avoiding me since our fight, going as far as switching or giving away shifts we shared, which made a job I barely like intolerable. Finally, Saturday night rolled around and there was no one to cover and we both were set to close. 

I was assisting a bachelor party by the fireplace which usually meant a lot of gossip and staring with Sasha. Every time I went up for there drinks she just walked off and had Jeremy, the back-up, make it. 

"Is everything okay with you two?" He finally asked, getting a little frustrated he had to stop helping other people while Sasha disappeared behind the bar. 

"I don't know."

As the night wore down Jeremy helped the last of the stragglers into cabs and locked the doors. When he was done he walked up to me, shrugging on his jacket as he talked. "I want this," he said pointing at me and Sasha, "Fixed before your next shift. We have enough to worry about without her calling me over every time you walk up."

"Understood," I agreed as he left through the kitchen. Per his orders, I walked over to the bar where Sasha was wiping down the bottles. "Hey," I started. 

She didn't look back at me, just kept running a cloth over the same bottle of Vodka. I couldn't take it, all the texts and calls were one thing, but I was standing right there and she was ignoring me. "Sasha!" I screamed. Luckily we were the only ones in the bar. 

She jumped and nearly dropped the bottle from her hands, but she looked at me. "What the hell, Jade!"

"Yeah! What the hell? What did I do so wrong to get you to ignore me for over a week? Saying I didn't want to hurt Xander?"

She opened her mouth to respond, but everything I'd bottled up came rushing out. 

"I have needed to talk to you! This isn't how best friends are supposed to fight," I pointed at her as I screamed, trying to hold back hears. "You can yell or hit me or tell me we aren't friends at all, but you can't ignore me!"

When I finally stop my breath is shaky and legs feel weak. Typically I don't confront people and it's having a strange effect on me. Sasha notices and grabs to shot glasses from behind the bar. 

"Sit," she orders me. 

I obey and take the bar stool in front of her. She passes me the shot glass and lifts hers to me. Slowly I lift mine and tap it to hers.

"Cheers," she coaxed. 


When our shots are done she pours two more and looks at me. "I'm sorry," she blurted. "What I've done is super uncool, but I wasn't ignoring you because I was mad at you. I'm crazy ashamed of how I acted and... What was I supposed to say?"

"That was a good start."

She smiles and takes my hand. "There is some stuff in my past that I haven't told you about and the subject we were on just took me back to a time I didn't want to be back in."

It hadn't really occurred to me until right then that Sasha and I had only known each other for a couple years and her past rarely came up. I knew she was an only child from Tennesse and didn't talk to her parents anymore, not a lot else had come up though. 

"You don't have to talk about it, just promise not to yell at me for it again."

We smiled at each other. "I will tell you about it, just not right now. How about we grab some dinner and do a movie marathon at your place."

"Sounds perfect." 

After we made up it took us no time at all to clean up the rest of the bar and head out. On the walk back to my place we picked up gyros from a mom and pop shop we loved and movies from a red box. When we got to my building we ran up the stairs and threw my door open. 

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