The Party

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In the living room, a couple of guys were setting up cups for beer pong that Xander was filling up from the keg. Greg was coaching me as Sasha danced with someone a few feet away. 

"Now, just go up to him and ask him to pour you a drink." Greg was calm and collected in his coachings, unlike Sasha's exuberance. Though, Greg had always been calm. When we were in college and studying, every time someone would freak out he would lead us in a breathing exercise. He was relaxed in any situation. 

So I asked him, "What happens if this doesn't work? What if I get hurt more?" I don't know what was my biggest fear from this experience, but falling back in love with this person was one of them. 

He stood there, more handsome than ever, and wanted to get to know me again. He invited me to a party after a Facebook message and wanted to get to know me again. What if he had hanged?

Greg squeezed my hand tightly. "Then I'm here to help you," he told me with pure confidence. "But you need to do something to get rid of this hurt. You haven't held a relationship in six years and it's because of him." We both looked over at Xander as everybody cheered at the first pong goal and the person chugging their fresh cup. 

"Now go," demanded Greg, pushing me towards the conquest. I mulled through the party people until I was right behind him, his strong back flexing as he raised his arms. 

Xander jumped slightly when I tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, JJ," he greeted. There was whiskey on his breath, which would help my cause if he weren't calling me by his nickname for me. My parents had always hated nicknames, which is why I received a name that was almost impossible to create one for, but Xander did it anyway. It made my parents cringe which made me love it, and him, more back then. 

"Hey, Xan. Can you pour me a drink?" My hand slid from his shoulder to his fingers as he stared at me. 

"Anything for the pretty lady." I didn't even like beer, but I would drink 100 if it got me what I wanted. Another cheer rang from the pong players and their fans. "Do you want to go out back where its quieter?"

I nodded. 

Again he took my hand like nothing had happened and no time had passed. That's what made me start to remember that... I hated him. Of course, it wasn't the worst thing to happen to an 18-year-old girl, but its one of the worst things to happen in your first relationship. To have the memory of being cheated on forever in the back of your mind, letting all the wrong guys in and letting all the right guys get away, because of one solitary, insignificant person. Greg was right. I had let six years go by without committing to anyone because no one would be as good and everyone would be as selfish as Xander.

So I would play this game as long as I could and I would win. 


Xander lead me to a little garden area with a bench where we had the perfect view of the moon. The party noises behind us dampened whatever mood he was trying to create, but I let him go on. "So, what have you been doing since graduation?" His hand stroked my back and shoulders as he spoke, letting me feel his interest. I tried my hardest not to cringe. 

With a cheeky grin, I took Greg's advice. Be aloof but alluring. "This and that," I replied. "Working at a bar right now. I'm saving for a trip overseas." 

"Very cool." His hand was resting on the back of the bench as we stared at each other. I moved slightly to keep a respectable distance but stayed close enough that he could graze my shoulder as he talked. "I'm really glad we got to see each other again." 

"Why?" I asked out of real curiosity. Who would want to put themselves through this confrontation? "After everything."

His face fell slightly, but in a way I knew was trained. An 'oh-so-sad-am-I' face to throw everybody off his horrible path. He works it so well that I feel bad for all the girls that follows. How could we fall for it? How can he manipulate the need for love so effortlessly? 

"Everything?" Fain ignorance, he won't have to fake anything. 

HIs hand brushed my hair back from my eye, the moon shone over us... it would have been such a wonderful night if it weren't for him. "You were always the most caring person. The most forgiving." He pretended that we both forgot about his actions and we would move on. We would, because I needed to continue, but the bile was already riding in my throat. 

The party noises started to fade inside as a crisp wind blew over us, but I refused to go in, needing to know what he had to say. There was no clear rule on how I would get closure, but it had to come, by any means necessary. 

"There is a film show next weekend that my friend got a short into. Would you want to come?"

"Absolutely." I didn't even have to hesitate.

"Great," Xander remarked. Another call came from inside, recalling his attention to his party. "I'll call you."

Sasha and Greg were waiting in the wings for Xander to disappear. "How did it go?" Sasha demanded. 

"It went fine," I replied. And it did for me. Xander fell for everything I said hook line and sinker, but I felt sick. Everything that happened to me on the day of my graduation came up and I barfed behind a rose bush. 

I don't think I had thrown up in... three years. I had the stomach flu then too, so at least then the symptom was relevant. There was just so much I had kept inside for so long... 

Sasha was pulling my hair away. "Are you okay?"

Greg rubbed my back. "What happened?"

"We have a date next weekend."

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