5 : bacon fight

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// Y/N//

I woke up. Tom was still asleep. I did my usual morning routine. I changed. I listened to music. I ate breakfast. Then Tom walked downstairs.

Or more like fell downstairs. He sat up as if it was nothing. I stared in complete confusion. He looked at me, also confused about what I was confused about.

"You... I saw..."


I fell down the stairs. It didn't hurt though.

I'm part monster. That part of me only comes out when my emotions are all over the place. But being part monster has some advantages. I don't get hurt. Well, I do, but not very much. Falling down the stairs was like a paper cut to me.

It didn't come to mind that Y/N was watching the whole time. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I groaned as I turned to look at Y/N . She was at the dining table with her headphones on. I could hear the song Message Man by Twenty Øne Piløts blasting out of her headphones.

I stared at her in confusion.

"You... I saw..." She asked, pulling her headphones off. It then came to my mind that to her, a supposedly normal human just dramatically fell down some stairs and acted like it was nothing.

"What are you talking about?" I said, sweating nervously. She sighed and put her headphones back on.

"I must be seeing things..." She mumbled before closing her eyes to listen to the music.

"That was close," I whispered.

"What was close?" Edd walked down the stairs, smiling. "Good morning!"

"Oh, nothing." I got up and walked to the kitchen to make some eggs and bacon.

I got out the things I needed and decide to make the bacon first. As soon as I put the bacon on the hot pan, Y/N stood up and slammed her headphones on the table.

"IS THAT B A C O N I SMELL?!?" She yelled. Tord jumped down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. Y/N ran into the kitchen, too.

"BACON?!?" Tord screeched. Y/N and Tord stopped and looked at each other.

"BACON!" They both yelled and started jumping around.

Meanwhile, the first bacon thingy was done.

"First bacon thingy is done!" I yelled. They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. The next thing I knew I was being tackled for a piece of bacon by a communist and his Ex-Girlfriend.

Definitely, the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Y/N grabbed the bacon and ran off, soon followed by a really mad Tord.

// Y/N //

I grabbed the bacon and ran upstairs and into Tord's room at the end of the hall.

I jumped onto his bed next to the window. He ran in and attempted to grab the bacon. I saw Tom walk in and watch this all godown. Tord got too close to the bacon, he almost grabbed it. I wasn't going to let that happen.

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