7 : first full moon

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// Y/N//

I woke up and immediately felt something under me.

"Shit," I whispered under my breath. I looked to my side and saw Tom, still asleep.

I sat up, and my silver wolf ears shot up. My tail uncurled underneath my leggings, and I was back in my werewolf form. Sometimes this happened at night, usually if the moon is visible.

But not this time.

This time I couldn't hide it. I slipped my hoodie on and wrapped my tail up around my stomach. I put the hood up and I walked to the mirror.

Everything was hidden well, so I checked my phone and saw that tonight was a full moon. Which means I mutated uncontrollably. It was also 

I sighed, and put my shoes on. I grabbed my bag and looked up directions to my only other friends' store-house thing.

I walked downstairs with my bag and some of my things in it, such as extra clothes and my phone.

I walked downstairs. Tord was the only one awake.

"It's a full moon, Y/N ." He said.

I sighed.

"You going to my place? Or Lizzie's?" He asked.

"I don't know. Probably Lizzie's." I said. I sat down next to him.

"Nobody is awake. It's too early. Everyone gets up around 8:30," Tord said. I checked my phone. It was 6:40 AM.


I sighed. Tord's place was farther away, so we had to leave earlier, but he had the medical stuff and a power safe room to make sure I wasn't gonna break out.

But Lizzie's was way closer, and she had food there. It was in the basement of a bakery. Plus, she knew magic so things wouldn't go crazy. But Tord had that too. And he also had the supplies to heal my arm.

"I guess I'll go to your base," I said. Even though I hate him, I still needed him for survival. "Why are you even helping me?"

"I don't know. I feel like it. Plus you have the genetics to be in the army. I haven't stopped trying to get you to join," he explained.

"Oh, ok." I sighed again, and I pulled my hood off.


I woke up with a jolt.

I sat up and checked my phone. It was a full moon tonight.

I had to go to Lizzie's soon. She was a baker, but she isn't as innocent as you think. She has a few cages in the basement, and she knows magic. She makes barriers around mine so I don't ruin the place.

I need to be caged up during a full moon. During a full moon, my monster side is forced upon me, and I can't control it until morning.

I sat up and noticed that Y/N was already awake. I put my hoodie on and packed extra clothes into a bag. I ran downstairs with my phone and the bag in hand.

"Gotta go somewhere until tomorrow! BYE!" I said quickly as I ran out the door to Lizzie's Bakery.

-Time Skip Sponsored by
I'm gonna watch a spooky movie-

I stepped into the Bakery. Sugary smells filled my lungs as I walked around the counter past a worker.

"I'm sorry, you can't go th-" a worker behind the counter was interrupted by Lizzie.

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