12 : where were you

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(bit of fluff near the end)


We made our way to the house.

My ears and tail disappeared as I went back into human form.

"Well, at least we got out alive..." Tom said quietly.


Most of the time it was silent. Walking, I mean.

"We probably smell bad," I commented, laughing. Tom chuckled a bit before it grew silent again.

Does he still like me?


"So... uh... about last night..." He said. I felt my face head up as I looked down.


"What uh... what did you want to tell me?" Tom asked. I looked down.

"I don't know what's holding me back from saying it..." I answered as we continued walking. "There is nothing holding me back from telling you this and I know you won't reject me..."

"Uh huh..."

I stopped and grabbed his arm. I rushed forward to find a park bench somewhere. I dragged him onto the bench and sat next to him.

"Thomas..." I whispered. I looked down, my hair covering my face. "Thomas, I like you. A lot."


(Sorry guys but its like 4 in the morning and a bird just flew into my window ha)

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I replied. "Maybe it's because I know I'm not good enough for you."

Tom slowly stood up and stepped in front of me. I looked up at him as he hugged me.

"Y/N, sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you..."

I smiled a bit.

"This is nice."

"It is..." Tom pulled back from the hug and smiled. He sat back down on the bench again. Slowly, his hand got closer to mine.

Out fingers overlapped as we smiled.


Tom shifted a bit towards me.

"Do you..." Tom trailed off.

"Do I what?" I quickly said.

"Would you wanna, I don't know... be my girlfriend?" He looked away with clouded thoughts.

"Of course!" I answered quickly. Tom looked at me and smiled.

"Cool, cool."

We sat in silence for a while. I smiled to myself as I realized how amazing this was.

Finally, things were starting to go uphill. Getting better.

My happy thoughts were interrupted shortly.

Tom grapped my shoulders roughly as he smashed his lips into mine.

Surprised, I flinched a bit.

Then I did something I thought I would never do.

I leaned in to deepen the kiss.

(no lemon or smut I don't write those unless like a million people want me to)

His hands slowly slipped down to my waise as he grabbed my hips.

After about 30 seconds, he leaned back to breath.

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