8 : home

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I woke up in the same room I fell asleep in.

Y/N was holding a bottle of Smirnoff. She was passed out on the ground. She was back to her normal self, but with the ears and tail. Her arm looked fine. I sat up and grabbed my phone from my bag that was on the table.

I had 3 missed calls from Matt, and 16 from Edd.

I tapped Edds contact and pressed the call button. He immediately answered.

"THOMAS?!? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?" He yelled. I sighed.

"I've been... somewhere else... I've been with Tord and Y/N ." I explained.

"How come you haven't been answering the phone!?"

"Sorry. My phone was shut off."

"Can you put Y/N on the phone please?" Edd asked. I stood up and walked next to Y/N on the ground.

"Y/N, get up." I poked at her cheek. "I said gET UP!"

She shot up.

"Huh... What..." She stammered.

"Edd wants to talk," I said holding up the phone.

"Not now..." She groaned and fell back to the ground.

"Sorry Edd, not now," I said. "She drank a whole bottle of Smirnoff last night."

"Fine. Whatever. Just stay safe and come home soon ." Edd said and hung up.

I walked to the door and opened it. There was a long hallway, but at the end of it, there was a door.

I was curious and bored. I slowly stepped to the door. Suddenly, a girl with brown hair In a blue uniform opened a door and walked out, reading a paper.

She looked up at me and immediately froze. I stared in confusion, and the girl saluted at me.

"Sir." She said.

"Uh... What..?"

"Sir, you are now a Class 9 Member of the Red Army. My name is Rebecca, your personal assistant. I now follow your orders." She explained.

"Dude, just call me Tom."

"Oh! Uh, yes sir, I mean Tom!" She saluted again and stood up straight.

"You don't have to be so formal. I'm just a random guy, and Uh... Can you take me to Tord?" I said.
Rebecca postured slouched a little bit.

"C'mon, Red Leader's room two floors up.," she said and pointed at the elevator at the end of the hallway. We went up two floors. Rebecca stepped out of the elevator and into the hallway. She looked to the right and we started walking.

"Hey, Tom?" She said.


"Here," Rebecca took out a watch-thingy with 3 buttons, "Put this on. The first one calls me if you ever need assistance, the second tells the time, cause, you know, it's a watch. And the last one turns on your location status if we ever need to find you."

I nodded and put on the watch. We kept walking.

When we reached the end of the hallway, the door had a sign on it that read, "Red Leader".

Rebecca knocked.

"Come in," I heard a muffled voice behind the door.

Monsters - Tom x Reader - (REWRITING!)Where stories live. Discover now