9 : skating

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I woke up with a start.

Tom was laying beside me, asleep.

"Hey, Thomas..." I said. He groaned.

"What..." He sighed.

"I have to go to work, remember I have a job?" I said as I got out of bed. He sighed.

"UGGGHHHHH..." Tom groaned. I sat up.

"I'm going to work. I can get off early today so we can go to the skate deck." Tom shot up, revealing that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"I FORGOT!" He yelled. My face started heating up, and I looked down.

"T-Thomas...?" I stuttered and waited for his response.

"What?" He asked. I turned around and grabbed a random gray shirt.

"P-P-Put this on..." I said and threw it at him. I looked up at Tom as he grabbed the shirt and slipped it on.

"Oh, sorry," He shrugged and got out of bed. I grabbed my clothes and walked to the Bathroom to change.

-Time Skip sponsored by
net neutrality-

I got to Samuels Pub.

I was working the 2nd shift. I checked my phone.

"12:30," I mumble and walk behind the counter.

For 2 hours, I poured drinks and rejected 3 drunk dudes and a girl. Ten minutes before my shift was over, someone had walked in.

"Y/N!" Tom said from across the room.

"Bro, I have ten minutes before my shift e-"

"Shut up and get me some vodka." He interrupted. "Then we can go to the skate deck."

I nodded and grabbed the cup and vodka.

"Yo, Y/N, I can cover the last of your shift for you, if you'd like," Liam, the other worker, said.

"Sure, thanks!" I said and grabbed my bag from behind the counter. "Ok, Thomas lets go," I say as we exit the building and start walking to the skate deck.

We walk for about 3 minutes.

"Hey, Thomas?" I ask.


"You're my favorite out of the guys," I say and smile. He was. Tom was just like me. He was some kind of hybrid, just like me.

"O-oh... thanks, I guess... you're my favorite too. I'm glad I have someone to talk to about the monster in me."

"Well, we're monsters. Monsters stick together." I say as we arrive at the skate deck. We walk in and Tom pays for his skates, as I already bought my own.

We walk in and sit down at a booth.

"I'm gonna go buy us slushies," Tom says as I slip on my silver skates. I watch as Tom walked to the counter and gives 3 dollars to the guy behind the counter. I look back down at my skates and realized one of my laces were hanging down.

I leaned down and tied it. I sat back up to see Tom with a red slushie and a blue one.

"Here," He said as he handed me the blue one.

"Thanks! Blue raspberry is my favorite!" I said and took a sip from my cup. "What time is it?"

"It's 2:58. We can stay till 5:00." He answered and put his skates on.

We skated for the rest of the night, sometimes visiting the arcade, and winning all the prizes. After that, we went back home and went to sleep.

Monsters - Tom x Reader - (REWRITING!)Where stories live. Discover now