6 : grocery shopping

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// Y/N//

I woke up. I scratched my head with my hurt arm, not realizing the pain. I felt the other side of the bed tilt just a tiny bit.

I sat up and looked at Tom, who had also sat up.

"Morning..." Tom grumbled. I nodded in return, and stood up, making my way to the door.

I walked down the stairs slowly, in my pajamas. Tord was already awake and watching a comedy show in Norwegian. I understood Norwegian also, so I sat down and listened.

"Morning, Y/N ." He said, followed by a sigh. After about 5 minutes later, Tom made his way downstairs, fully dressed in his everyday outfit. He sat down next to me on the couch.

I decided to make breakfast. I got up and looked in the fridge.

"Hey, guys, what do you want for breakfast?" I yelled into the living room.

"Bacon," Tord said. Tom didn't answer, so bacon and eggs again for breakfast. I poked my head back in the fridge.

"Guys..." I said slowly, "Where is all the food...?"

I turned around to see a paper on the counter. I read it out loud,

"Dear Tom, Y/N, and Tord,
I took all the food and fed it to the wild animals in the backyard,

-Edd G."

I sighed and grabbed two pans that were on a shelf. I stomped up the stairs and to Edds room. I opened the door and started yelling.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I yelled as I heard Tord walk up the stairs to go to his room. Before be stepped in, he looked over at the room I was in, before running into his room.

I kept on yelling for Edd to wake up, and slamming the pans together.

"Ughhhh..." Edd groaned, "What the hell...?"

I stopped slamming the pans together.

"Get up, we're going grocery shopping," I said and walked out.

As I was walking out, I decided to wake up Matt too. I walked up the steps to Matt's room.

Tord was standing next to Matt's bed, holding an air horn. He quickly looked over at me and grinned. I smiled and tiptoed next to him.

"3... 2... 1..." Tord honked the air horn and Matt shot up with a yelp.

"AHHHH!" Matt screamed. "What the?!?"

Tord and I laughed as we ran down the steps.

"You guys interrupted my beauty sleep!" Matt yelled as we walked downstairs to the living room.

We sat on the couch as Edd came stumbling into the room. He yawned as Tord put his hoodie on over his shirt.

"What are we doing today?" Matt asked while walking down the stairs.

"We're going grocery shopping. Now get ready, I'm hungry," I said as I got up to grab my hoodie. I walked upstairs and put it on.

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