Chap. #13 😱

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(A few comments were right.....)
Justin's pov:

It's now Saturday. Wow the week went by fast. Derek would break my balls every once and a while. But I ignored him. Hes really not intimidating at all.

Today I'm meeting my dad's girlfriend. I'm excited. I hope she's nice.

I got up and took a quick shower. I got out and put on some nice, but comfy clothes on. I fixed my hair and did what I had to do. I went downstairs and saw my dad putting eggs and bacon on the table.

"Hey Justin. I just made us some breakfast before we need to go."

"Okay thanks dad."

We ate the food he made and it was pretty good. We finished and I looked at him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yea let's out."

We get in the car and I text Rae.

Me: Hey baby whatcha doing?

Babeh🙊💕: Just hanging around. You?

Me: Just in the car. You busy later?

Babeh🙊💕: I'm sure I'll have time for you 🙂

Me: Good 😂 I'll text you later ❤ Love you.

Babeh🙊💕: Love you more 😘

I didn't even realize but the car stopped and my dad got out. He opened my door.

"We are here." He laughed.

"Oh ok coming." I said.

I looked at the house and it looked fimiliar....why? We walked inside and my stomach dropped. I looked around and felt sick. This was....

"David hey." I heard.

"Hi love." My dad said kissing her on the lips.

They pull away and I see it's her. No no no. She looked at me like she knew me. Yes....She knew me.

"Justin?" She said quietly.

"Ms. Beast?" I felt tears in my eyes.

"R-raegan, David is here with his son. She said and she seemed nervous.

She knew Rae is not going to be happy when he sees me. She gave me a little while but I just wanted to ball my eyes out right on the spot. Rae walked into view from the kitchen and froze.

"Mr. Blake? J-justin, baby." He looked like he's just seen a ghost.

I start crying so hard and run upstairs. I run in his room and shut the door. This is not happening. This is not happening. Please tell me this is not happening!?

My breathing hitched up and I felt dizzy as I was still crying. I sat on his bed. I couldn't process this. The love of my life and I are going to be related. That feeling just made me cry harder. Then all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. Pannic attack. Pannic attack! Please no. No. No!

The door swung open and I felt someone pick me up and place me on their lap.

"Shh shh c-calm down. I got you justin."

It was Raegan. His voice broke a little as if he was crying too. I wrapped my arms around his neck so hard, but not enough to choke him. He squeezed my waist like it was our last minutes left to live. I cried in his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"Shh don't make it worse you're okay. I'm here." He whispered.

I pulled away and looked at him. "R-rae we are going to be step brothers."

I felt like I was going to vommit as I said that. He can't be my step bother. I love him. Not like a brother. Like a boyfriend.

"Justin I'll always love you." He said.

"Me too Raegan but-"

I got off his lap and backed up toward the door. "This can't happen. I can't lose you. I-i-i can't do this." I said.

I opened his door and ran out of his room. I went downstairs and saw my dad walking to his mom.

"Justin I-"

"No. No no." I didn't know what to say. My stomach had shooting pains and my head was spinning.

"Justin I'm sorry I didn't know." My dad said. He felt bad I could tell.

"Me either." Raegan's mom said.

"I never would have done this if I knew I was dating your boyfriends mom." He said.

"You two are dating?" She asked.

"Y-yes." My voice cracked.

"Oh. He said he was wanted to talk to me about something. That was probably it." She said.

I now noticed they were holding hands while sitting on the vouch. I'm happy my dad found someone. But why Raegan's mom. Out of the whole fucking world! Raegan's mom? My boyfriend's mom!?

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Rae stood at the bottom looking straight at me. I went up to him and jumped into his arms. He held me as I burried my head in my chest. My mind can't process all of this. I can't lose him. Hes the only boy I ever truly loved.

"I-i love you Raegan."

"I love you too Justin."

It was silent for a moment. "Ok umm why don't me and Justin go. I need to talk to him." My dad says.

I get down from Rae and look at him. I kiss him quick on the lips and my dad takes my hand. We go out to the car and I go in the passenger seat. My eyes get watery again as I sit in silence. My dad puts his hand on my knee. I still don't move. I put my head in my hands and start to cry again.

"J-just drive d-dad." I say taking his hand away.

He keeps quiet  and starts driving. We finally arrive home and I run inside. I go to my room and slam the door. A few minutes later there was a knock.

"C-come in dad." I say.

He comes in and sits next to me on the bed.

"Justin." He pauses. I look at him. "I love her."

"And I love him."

He looks at me with his eyes watery. "You really do?"

"Yes I really do." I say.

"Maybe I can talk to her and we can pause the wedding and-"

"No dad. You deserve to be happy. I'm not going to make you pause the wedding." I cut him off.

"But you? You're so young Justin, if you really love Raegan and you want to spend the rest of your life with him; I-im not taking that away from you."

"I do. But he's not the only one in the world." I said.

"He is in your world." He said.

He's right. I don't want to lose Raegan. I want to marry him and adopt kids with Raegan. I love him more than anything.

"What do we do? I want you to be happy." He said.

"I want you to be happy too dad. You're also very young and you deserve another wife to love and care for you."

"You too Jay..."

"Can we go back and talk with them?" I ask. He nods.

Why? Out of everyone? Why my boyfriend's mom? Why us?

Okay so I was thinking like, I want them to marry so it can be interesting. But at the same time, I don't want them to marry so they can date. rather the first one 😂😂 plz comment and vote!:)
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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