Chap. #18 🖤

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Justin's pov:

That night I was getting spammed my Rae over text.

Baheh🙊💕: Jay please let me explain to you!
- I don't remember anything I promise!
- I love you so much please Justin.
- Baby...?

I would read them and tears would escape from my eyes. I didn't answer. I don't know what's going on. I want to believe him. But how do I know he won't just go break my heart again? This pain right now is so bad.

The next morning I walking into school. I got pushed into the lockers from someone I've never seen. He laughed and others laughed around me. I walked away quickly while I got stared and laughed at. I'm used to it honestly I don't care anymore.

I got to my locker and grabbed a couple books and what I needed.

"Justin?" I heard and I knew who it was off the bat.

"What do you want Rae?" I turn around and looked at him.

"Why don't you believe me Jay? Have I ever lied to you? Have I not shown you enough trust and how much I love you?"

"It's not that Rae. I don't understand I saw you, kissing her. How do you explain that?"

"I can't that's what I don't understand. I don't remember kissing her. Please I can't lose you." He gets closer to me.

"Rae stop." I say getting away from him.


"No. Don't call me that. Do you know how much that hurt seeing you kissing her. You saw me looking at you two kissing. You don't remember seeing me, seeing how broken I was standing there, looking at you two? Why is that so hard to believe?" I look down at the ground. I start to tear up but wipe my tears. He's still standing there he's just not talking.

"Hey baby." I look up and see Jess hugging him. He gets away from her and she's smiling.

I slap my sides and walk away. I hear Rae talking to her. "What the fuck did you do? I'm not you're baby and-"

His voice faded as I walked farther away to class. I need answers asap. Is he lying? Or is reality messing with my brain?

It was last period and I asked to go to the bathroom. My teacher let me go. I went and I was walking back to my class when I heard talking. I turned the corner in the hall and saw Jess and Rae talking. I decided to listen to their convo.

"What did you do? First Justin is saying I kissed you and he saw. Then I wake up that night in your bed. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He said to her.

He even slept with her. Wtf? This asshole.

"Okay first you can calm down. Second, we didn't have sex, I just took you home." She said getting all up on him.

I sighed a little knowing they didn't have sex. He moves away and I see him getting frustrated.

"Tell me what you did to me now. I fucking love Justin so much, I never wanted to cheat on him. He's everything to me!" He said.

"I drugged you with that drank I gave you so it would look like you cheated on him. And it worked. He'll never believe you." She smirked at him.

Omg he wasn't lying. He was telling me the truth and I didn't believe him. I'm such an idiot!

"You better tell him what you did or I'll fucking-"

"You'll fucking what?" Damn she's annoying.

Next thing I see surprised me. He slammed her against the lockers. She looked terrified.

"Tell him or I'll rip your fucking hair off of your head."

"Shit." I whisper to myself.

I run over and pull Rae off of her. I get in front of him.

"Okay baby stop calm down." I say patting his chest. He's giving her a death stare

I turn around to look at her. "You such a brat. You made me think he cheated on me. You're the fucking reason I haven't talked to him! You literally have nothing better to do you slut."

She looks embarressed. I start at her until she decides to walk away. I turn around and hug Raegan as tight as I can. I start crying.

"I-im so sorry I didn't believe baby. I love you so much. You probably hate me."

"Oh Justin." He rubbed my back and looked down at me. I pulled my head out of his chest to look at him.

"I don't hate you. I understand why you were mad but I would never, and I mean never cheat on you. I only love you." He wipes my tears and kisses me.

I kiss back and then pull away. I sniff my nose and he hugs me again. The bell rings and we pull away.

"I have to go get my bag from class. Come over?" I ask.

"Sure." He kisses the top of my head. "See you soon." And he walks away.

I get my bag from my last class and head out to my car. I can't help but feel like such a dick that I didn't believe him. But it did seem like he was kissing her for real and cheated on me. So I shouldn't feel that bad.

I get home and go inside. My dad is at work so I sit at the kitchen table and wait for him. A few minutes later there is a knock at the front door. I get up and go to answer it. Rae comes in and smiles at me. I smile back and we go to the sitting room and sit on the couch.

I started to sweat. It was hot in here. But, my cuts, I don't want Rae seeing.

"Babe, you're sweating take your hoodie off." He said tugging at it.

"No it's okay I'm fine." I pull back so he's not pulling on it anymore.

"Just take it off. Why is it such a big deal?" He asks.

"No Raegan!" I raise my voice at him. His eyes go wide as he stares at me.

"D-did you....?" He didn't finish.

I started crying and that just have given it away. He got closer to me and pulled my hoodie over my head. I only had my binder on now. He looked down and saw my cuts. He looks back up at me.

"I'm sorry." I say as I slowly stop crying.

"Baby please never hurt yourself again like this. Please!" He begs.

"I'm so sorry. I just thought I lost you and you didn't love me anymore."

"That will never happen I promise." He says.

I nod. He kisses me and rubs his thumb over my cuts.

"I wish I could have been with you. I wish it wasn't because of me. I feel terrible."

"Don't please it's over now. I love you I'll never do it again." I say.

"Okay, I love you more never forget that."

"I never want to forget."

Heyyyyy everyone! Yay Jaegan is back....well they never broke up but you know what I mean lol. Hope you enjoyed and plz comment and vote 😊💩
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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