Chap. #14 😧

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(Trigger warning-cutting)
Justin's pov:

We arrive at their house again and knock on the door. (Idk Rae's mom's name) Melissa opened the door. She let us in and I didn't see Rae anywhere.

"Where's Rae?" I ask.

"He's upstairs. He's not taking this good." She looked down at her feet.

I make my way upstairs quick and knock on his door. I'm worried, will he do anything?

He didn't open the door. I turn the handle and his door was open. I go in quick and look around for him. I see the light in his bathroom is on and the door is shut.

"Rae? It's Justin please let me in." I say knocking.

Why is the door locked. Oh no. I lean my ear on the door and hear slight sobs.

"Raegan open up now! I'm serious." Now I was getting serious. I need to make sure he's okay.

I hear a click and I knew he unlocked the door. I opened it quick and saw him sitting back down against the wall. He was sobbing and had a sharp object in his hand. His mirror had pieces missing. I also noticed he already made 2 cuts and there was blood everywhere.

I ran up to him and took the piece of glass out of his hand. I shut the bathroom door and got a towel from his closet.

"Baby why would you do this?" I ask running my fingers through his hair.

"I-im s-sorry Justin. I can't handle this." He says still sobbing.

"Ok shh calm down please. I hate seeing you like this." I take the towel and put pressure on his arm with it so stop the bleeding.

"I love you Justin I don't want to lose you." He said calming down.

"I don't want to lose you either. But our parents, I-i don't know what to do. I want my dad to be happy." I said.

"And I want my mom to be happy."

"I told my dad you weren't the only one in the world. But he said yes you are in my world. And he's right, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I do too. Justin you're the only one who ever made me happy and stop me from being the dick I used to be. I won't be able to get another girlfriend or boyfriend knowing that you're my bother." He said.

I started at cry as he said that. He took me in his arms and we stayed hugging for a good 5 minutes as we both cried. I picked my head up and kissed him.

"Rae why us?"

"I don't know Jay. I don't know."

We finally went back downstairs. Rae put on a hoodie so his mom wouldn't see his cuts. I felt bad he did that. He did that because he loves me and doesn't want to lose me. I would do the same.

We go over to the couch and sit a little distant from our parents.

"Boys we have decided to pause the wedding." Melissa said.

"Mom we both want you two to be happy. I feel bad about making you pause the wedding." Rae says.

"I do too." I say.

"Justin, like I said, you are so young and you have so much to live for. I feel like you have a future with Raegan. I hate taking that away from you both." My dad said.

We were silent for a second before my mind started boiling over.

"Okay. Yes I do love Raegan. Yes I do want to have a future with Raegan. Yes I do want to get married and adopt kids with Raegan. But at the point I don't know what to say. You are our parents and we want the best for you as much we you want the best for us. What do we do? Either way, someone's going to lose someone they love forever." My eyes get watery as I get up.

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