Chap. #25 😞

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Justin's pov:

"Raegan, he-"

"He what?" She said panicking a little.

"He got badly beat up at school. I had to push the other kid off of him."

"Oh my god my baby is he okay?" She said trying to sit up.

"Be careful Melissa." I say making sure she stays laying down.

"He's okay. I think he just needs just stitches." I said.

"Ok. Thank you for helping him."

"Of course. I would do anything for him." I said giving her a smile.

It was silent for a second. She looked deep in thought.

"So, what's going on with you?" I ask. She looks at me. 

"Umm if I tell you, promise not tell tell Raegan or your father yet. Please."

"Uh ok. I promise."

She takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes as she looks down.

"I-i have lung cancer." She says opening her eyes and looking at me.

"You do? H-how did you get it?" I ask.

"I smoke. I smoke a lot. Raegan has been telling me for I don't know how long to stop but I would never listen. Your father has even told me to the stop in the amount of time we've been dating. They will be so disappointed in me if they find out." I see her eyes get watery.

"Oh Melissa. Before my mom died, She smoked too. A lot. I always told her so stop, but she also wouldn't listen. Don't be afraid to tell them. It's not your fault." I say.

"Thank you justin. I'll tell them soon." She smiles a little.

"Ok. I really hope you get better soon." I say.

"Me too. Thanks." She says. I hug her lightly.

"I'm going to go check on Raegan. I'll be back."

"Okay. Tell him I love him." She said.

"I will."

I walk out and close the door. I turn the corner and see a doctor. I go up to him.

"Can I go see Raegan Beast?" I ask.

"Sure. Down the hall, room 134."

"Thank You."

I walk down the hall and to his room. I go in and see him him laying there sleeping. I shut the door and walk over. I grab a chair and put it next to the bed. I grab his hand and hold it. Tears fall from my eyes as I look at him. "This is my fault." I kept repeating to myself in my head.

"Babe I'm so so sorry. This is all my fault. I should have never started talking to him again. I hate him so m-much." I start crying but cover my mouth my hand.

"Baby?" I look up and he's awake. "This is not your fault. I promise." He said.

I stand up and lean down to hug him. "I feel like it my fault."

"No baby it's not. You're not the one who did this to me. Thank you for helping me though. I love you." He squeezed my hand.

I looked down at our hands and back at him. "I love you too." I leaned in to kiss him.

"How is my face?" He asked.

"Its, banged up but it will heal." I say. He nods.

"I went to go see your mom." I said.

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