Veronica's Plan

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TW: None

Veronica's POV

"I'll do it" Connor had said hours earlier. 

I smiled at the memory. I knew the two boys, Evan and Connor, needed more help than I could give them. So, I decided to let them help each other. Maybe a friendship could come out of this appointment? Maybe, something more? 

Plus, I needed a little entertainment in my life. I knew Evan was bi, he had come out to me months before his attempt on his life. Connor hadn't come out to me yet, but I just knew. Especially because he perked up when I mentioned Evan was a guy. My smile grew bigger at the thought of them having a spark. My smile then dropped as my car approached my apartment. I never liked being alone. That's when they decided to speak to me.

I parked on the street and got out of my car. I walked up to the complex and into the warmth of the building.

"Have a nice night Veronica." The security guard called out as I passed him.

"You too Jason." I said. I walked down the hallway faster as tears pricked my eyes. Dammit Veronica! It's been over a decade and you still cry over him! I took a deep breath and walked up the stairwell to the safety, and dangers, of my apartment.

"Well, looks who's back?" Heather's ghost said as I unlocked my door and stepped in. I only grunted in response.

"Shut up Heather." I muttered under my breath as I dropped my coat on the couch. It had been a long and tiring day, the only good thing was the thought of Connor and Evan becoming an item. I just knew they were perfect for each other! I smiled at the thought of the two of them finally being happy for once. My smile faded at the memory of him. The happiness we once shared.

"Thinking about him again?" Heather asked from behind me. I jumped and spun around. She floated there, inspecting her still perfect nails.

"Maybe." I admitted. She only nodded and disappeared. (nO oNE dEsERvEs tO dIsApPEaR!) For once, she was nice to me and left me alone for the rest of the night. My memories of the past never left me though, and continued to haunt me in my dreams.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling." His voice said in my dreams. I woke up with a start and scanned my room for him, thinking he was here(Heere). It was only a dream, I told myself. With his voice still echoing in my head, I went back to sleep.

Hello again readers! I just felt like I needed to show a little bit of Veronica's story and her angst. We'll be back to Treebros next chapter! I might throw some of Veronica's POV in later chapters though, tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!


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